Chapter 13.

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   2:00 Pm
    We just got back home and niggas tired . I had got this text from this one shorty a while back we used to talk to and she claims she pregnant, she told me this shit about a week ago and I made them send a message to my phone. I rm not using protection. But I didn't plan on having kids with the ho. But hey I get what I get it's my call and if that is my baby imma take the responsibility. I paid for this test were they take it now and shit and I just got the message and yup the lil fucker mines. I'm finna call my sister tho and let her know wassuh.
      " FaceTime Chanel ❤️ . "
Sis !
Chanel - hi bookie
Wyd you coo ?
Chanel - yea I'm in the car .
Pick me up .
Okay .
* in her car *
Ugh it smell like girl and fruit in here
Chanel - no it dont
I gotta tell you something tho
Chanel - okay you want chick fi la ?
Chanel - okay
* couple mins later they pull up to chick fi la *
Chanel - what want ?
Chanel - what ?say it slow
spicy . chicken. i. got. a. baby. on. the. way
Chanel - your a liar
I'm dead ass .
Chanel - serious?
Dead ass
Chanel - your lying tayvion !
I'm frl bra
Chanel - who the mother ?
Chanel - ew
Yea ik.
Chanel - are you happy ?
Mmmm mixed emotions . But aye it is what it is .
Chanel - Aw I'm going to be a auntie
Chanel - but uh imma drop you off in a minute
Why tf ?
Chanel - I haven't told you yet but I have another brother . On my mom side I just don't be around him as much . He's 19..
K drop me off.
Chanel - jealous .
Chanel - ok.
This why you been so distant?
Chanel - yup !!!
Drop me off .
Chanel - I was kidding I have no other brother .
Yes you do.
Chanel - I love you so much brother !
   Fuck up .
Chanel - brother . I went to the hospital
   Why ?
Chanel - Bc why not ?
Chanel - whatever but I went and asked for a bag of ice .
    Why ?
Chanel - Bc it hit different
    I have a weird sibling. Aye you know we got another brother .
   Chanel - really ?
     Yea he weird tho
Chanel - why I wanna meet him .
    Ask ya daddy.
" Chanel pulls off and drives to their dads house "
  Chanel - daddy it's your favorite child .
  Pops - hey babygirl . * hugs and and kiss her forehead *
   Oh hey dad nice seeing you too.
Pops - suck it up . How you doing son
    Coo. Fasho.
Pops - why y'all here .
    She wanna meet her weird ass brother
Pops - for what ?
   What's wrong with him ?
Pops - nothing if you wanna meet him you can. I'll call him and tell him to come by.
  * I hope I don't beat this nigga ass *
  " I sent a message to Killa and nem telling them to slide through n shit just in case shit happen "
    Killa - wassuh with niggas
Pooter - where the old nigga at
Pop - what the hell
Ace - pops !
Molly - it's clean in here Chanel must be here
  Chanel - hi guys !!
      She stay cleaning something !
" Chanel walks to give Killa a hug "
  Pooter - don't forget who yo bestie is !
Chanel - you haven't texted me in 2 days I'm finding a new one .
    Pooter - you not bold.
Molly - where the nigga at tho ?
     On his wa-
Chanel - is that him ? With like 3 other people ?
      * all the boys make sure their gun is loaded*
Chanel - y'all are crazy .
  * Chanel walks to open the door *
Chanel - hiii I'm Chanel !
Dev - wassuh where my dad at ?
    Chanel - DADDY !!!!
Dev - daddy ? who tf is you is ho ?
   Say that shit again
Dev - wassuh big bro
   Shut the shit this yo fucking sister
Friend (1) Rod - yo lil cute ass you gotta boyfriend ?
  Chanel - yea he kill people .
Rod - his weak ass I bet he ain't on nun .
Killa - Rod you know I won't hesitate to kill you
Rod - oh my fault bro .
Rod- Pooter !
Pooter - I never liked you .
Rod - ace !
Ace - cut the shit bitch
Rod - Tay.
   Next person .
Molly - don't think about it .
Dev - aye so called sister ik you .
Friend (2) Tez - miss saweetie.
Chanel - Tez .
Tez - I still see haven't gained weight.
Chanel - I see you still playing monkey see monkey do ?
Tez - with who ?
Chanel - Tez you was my nephew frl.
Tez - cut that shit I got you were you was
Chanel - and I still got ahead of you. If I was still in this game you wouldn't have life boo.
Tez - threat?
Chanel - promise .
Pooter - she just bitched tf outta you bro.
Killa - sad play.
Pop - your sister wanted to meet you say hi and b-
" a girl walks in "
Random girl - um bae what the fuck come on I'm ready to go.
Dev - go back in the car I'll be out in a minute.
Random - is that saweetie? Heyyy girlll
Chanel - hi.
Random - I never liked you .
Chanel - um ok ?
Random - you took my man away from me bitch .
Chanel - please don't call me out my name.
Random- you don't even fight you kill now so imma just walk away I wanna live .
Chanel - good choice mama
Pops - what was you a drug goddess or something ?
Chanel - yes actually.
Pops - okay dev say your hi and bye please .
Dev - kicking me out .
Pops - exactly.
Dev - I want something from you pops .
Pops - what ?
Dev - I want what you got . And you what you give everybody. I want the keys to this drug shit.
Chanel - " laughs "
Dev- I don't even know you bitch why tf you laughing ?
" Killa , Tay , Pooter , Ace , and Molly put there guns up at him"
Chanel - Ou harsh words from someone don't have a life yikes
Dev - damn we was all like brothers and y'all gonna point the guns to me ?
Killa - over her without a doubt
Pops- you got one more strike before i let these niggas blow you off . You've been disrespectful your whole life . You steal from me you set your mother up. Atp your asking for death ?
Dev - I'll catch y'all in the streets .
" dev and his friends leave "
Chanel - that was interesting.
Pop- daughter come to the back with me
  Chanel - am I in trouble ?
Pop - girl let's go
Chanel POV
   Pop- babygirl how are you feeling ?
I'm fine why ?
   Pop- you like Killa ?
That's my boyfriend...
   Pop- does he make you feel good ? Make you happy ?
    Yea. He does .
   Pop- I like Killa he's a good child he's like a son of mines . He just a crazy head .
    Where miss Cathy ?
Pop - child
     I really like her
Pop - do you ?
    Yes she's very nice
Pop- nah I'll leave her alone .
    Mmcht by daddy ! I love you .
Pop - wait . That's the first time I ever heard you say that too me .
       You don't love me back .
Pop - i love you too baby girl.
Killa POV -
   If y'all didn't know I love the fuck outta Chanel . She been on my mind for so fucking long bra. I don't even care about sex I just want her in my arms . I haven't slept over her house in 2 weeks because I don't she got tired of me so I've been staying home . But I haven't been able to sleep in so long bra. Like I gotta have her in my arms for me to have a good ass sleep . Ughhh I miss her . Should I call her ? Nah she probably tired of me . Imma call her.
* Facetime " Future Babymama 😏 "
  Chanel -Hi bubba
    Hey mama wyd ?
Chanel - watching criminal minds
     Why you up at 2 in the morning ma?
Chanel - well I was finna go to sleep but you called me so I'm talking to you .
     Can I sleep over ?
Chanel - yea ofc it's been two weeks I started to think you didn't love me anymore.
     Not at all imma be On my way.
Chanel - okay drive say pookie .
I just made it to her place and ofc I got a key so I just walk in anytime I want .
    Ma !!!!!
Chanel - in the room bubba.
    " I walked in and she had a messy bun in her hair and my shirt that was oversized on her and a red thong .... Ou I could fuck her right here "
    Chanel- stop eye F-ing me
I do what I want . Come here I missed you .
" she climbed on top of me putting her face in my neck "
  Chanel - why haven't you been coming over ? I did something ?
   No I thought you was getting sick of me so I gave you a break from me I started to think you needed it !
  Chanel - boy I could never get tired of your presence.
     I missed you mama .
Chanel - I missed you more bubba . And you need some sleep . I can tell you haven't been sleep.
      I'm not sleepy .
" she just got off of me ugh her annoying sexy ass "
   Chanel - come lay on my chest .
You always wanna baby me .
   Chanel - pleaseeeee
" I had laid in between her legs and put my face in her chest .. she's so precious "
  Chanel - what have you been doing ?
With what ma ?
  Chanel - life ? You wanna know what I noticed ?
  Yes .
Chanel - I notice you move around in your sleep and when you wake up out of your sleep you curse like if something happened to you. I didn't wanna bring it up because I didn't wanna make it my place but the more I think about it it starts to worry me more . You okay ?
   * he gets up and walks to the kitchen *
Chanel - bubba I didn't mean to bring it up I was ju-
   Stop worrying about that shit I'm good
" I just snapped at her - OH MY FUCKING GOD"
Chanel - I won't bring it up again * she said in a whisper voice walking back to the room *
   Mama I didn't mean to snap I promise I didn't I just don't like talking about it .
Chanel - it's okay if you don't wanna talk about bubba I was just concerned because it happens a lot. I didn't wanna be in your business and it's totally fine if you don't wanna talk about it.
  No I feel like I need to I don't want to but I need too.
* Chanel gets up and kisses him*
Chanel - if your not ready I'm not going to force you to tell me if your life if your not comfortable dont force yourself .
     Thanks for understanding me
Chanel- of course!!!
    Chanel - bae do my butt move
" Ian gon lie for her butt to be small her shit move so good "
   Chanel - did it move ?
No .
  Chanel - you lie so bad .
Ma . For yo shit to be small . You move it like it's fat .
    Chanel - make it fat daddy .
Don't start nun.
    Chanel - whatever !!!!!!
Chanel - Aw pookie your tired
    Come here .
" ugh her presence "
   Chanel - go to sleep bubba * she said she his cheek *
  I love you Chanel .
Chanel - I love you more

    Follow me on Instagram @1laniyaaaa

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