Chapter 1: Blood and Flowers

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Shuichi had immediately set off running after the elevator took them above the trial grounds, a hand secured on his mouth. Grounds they had now seen twice. Grounds they needn't see again.

One student had killed Tsumugi Shirogane. Though the mastermind was no longer, Monokuma stayed long enough to proceed with the execution. It is as though a type of AI Junko Enoshima used in the Neo World Program was now helping the students. The Monokubs were operational, but only helped keep the ultimates alive and give out what Shirogane had prepared for them. Prepared for just in case she died.

Even though four lives were lost, it resulted in many more survivals.

Even though the trial was a success, the fifteen students still had no idea on how to escape the twisted world they were in. Shuichi said he'd start on it, but in all honesty, he was mentally and physically exhausted; for two very different reasons.

He was the only who really went in the time given to conduct a thorough investigation, and present his case almost perfectly.

The other students had clues and own theories, but none would of come to the conclusion Shuichi had. They did find it rather peculiar though when he had dashed off without saying a word. They didn't have a chance to thank him for his skills and help during the two class trials they had completed.

Now back in his dorm, Shuichi had hastened to lock the door. As soon as he had, he turned his back towards it and leaned heavily against the wood, one hand on the door handle, the other hand still clamped tight round his mouth.

Saihara quickly removed his
hand and started coughing violently. As he coughed, blood splattered over him and the floor. Though that wasn't nearly as strange as to the fact petals were amidst the blood. The pale yellow was stained pink splotches. Worse was the fact that Shuichi started to choke; almost struggling to breathe, before full roses started erupting from his throat.

Still painfully coughing up flowers and petals, Shuichi slid down the door a bit more and even more blood fell on his almost black clothing. He tossed his hat towards his bed and slid down the door completely, bow sitting in a small puddle of pink liquid.

His coughing fit was over, he now felt thoroughly drained of energy. Tears stained his delicate but pale skin, dark circles stood stark against his complexion, owing that the boy had trouble sleeping. Though that detail can go amiss when a hat hides half his face. He breathed heavily, drawing in large amounts of air to his tired lungs.

Usually, he would worry about the noise he made; but with the soundproof walls, he needn't to care. Shuichi sat down, giving himself a small break. Two cases. Two murder cases. What a life he had...

He stared at the mess in front of him. Though the process hurt, he had to admit that the pink-stained roses looked lovely. Strange that something so strange and deadly looked so pretty.

Slowly, as still exhausted, he stood up unsteadily and started to clean up. He found towels and cleaning supplies in the warehouse and took them before anyone knew of their existence. After that was done, he changed clothes and washed his clothes before leaving them in his bathroom to dry. He checked the dorm room lock then put away his hat before retiring for the day.

His illness was life threatening, the fact he coughed out full roses was a big issue. If he had rises stuck in his throat, and flowers filling his lungs, he would surely suffocate to death. Thinking back on this, Shuichi thought that if he died, would they ever know the truth? Probably not, he thought again as he made his way towards his bed.

Finally, laying on the mattress, Shuichi started to daydream.

'Even though there is no longer a threat, and we're safe, we still haven't got any idea on how to get out of this damned place...' He thought to himself.

Hr lay down, giving his body sometime to regain strength. It was nighttime when they came back to the building, and everyone was extremely tired- well- with the exception of Shuichi. He didn't remember the last time he was able to sleep peacefully for a couple of hours, but that was one of his wishes. But today, his thoughts were in a whirl.

'So Kaito has a sickness...not to difficult though. He would be okay, their would be medicine to cure him, Tsumugi made some. She couldn't have contestants dying for no good reason.' Saihara thought. He let a sigh escape through this aching mouth.

He started to think about Kaito. How he always was so positive, his reassuring smile. Not to mention his devotion to astronomy. Saihara felt his cheeks tinge with pink and closed his eyes quickly. Embarrassed though no one was present.

After lying for a few hours, Shuichi got up and sat on the edge of his bed. He looked at the side table for a few seconds, then opened it; pulling out a small blade.

He knew he shouldn't, but how could he stop? When the pain in wrist felt...good? He looked at his arms, which were exposed as he rolled up his loose, long sleeved shirt. Scars ran along in lines, dome deeper than other, some shallower.

He hovered the blade over his skin, then let it glide along in a line. Blood gently and slowly spilled from the fresh wound. He repeat this action again. And again. Soon, old scars were reopened as fresh blood spilled out.

Thinking he'd done enough, the detective put the blade away, under a pile of random things to hide it from view. Shuichi made his way towards his bathroom, where he washed his hands and put on a new pair of black gloves. Similar to the ones he wore daily.

His fingers free from the fabric surrounding his palm and hand he went back to his mattress. He took out a medication that would at least stop violent coughing fits for a certain amount of time, then downed it with a glass of water.

Lying down again, he thought about what was happening again. All the locked areas would open. Tsumugi was the mastermind, but didn't actually hate them. They volunteered, now they no longer wanted to participate, so she no longer needed to hurt them mentally or physically. Besides, she was dead. What use was the place to her after she died?

He did the same actions he had done with his illness medicine with sleeping pills, hoping that as he fell in bed, he would have a few hours pass by with borrowed sleep.

Word Count: 1137 words
A/N: I do not own the original image, but I did edit it to suit my story. If you know, please tell me who this image belongs to so I can credit them :)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I also hope you enjoy the chapters after this. I'm not going to write many a/n, but just some info for you guys.

I have written a few more chapters, but I'm not sure if I'll continue it, unless you all really want me to, I hope it'll motivate me to do more :)

Happy Reading!
- Nin-001

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