Chapter 9: Bits and Pieces

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It was as though time slowed. Maki watched as the bullet shot out with precision. It travelled quickly and instantly dug itself smack in the middle of the bullseye.

Making started at the target, a look of indifference on her face. "Well done." She complimented. "You got lucky, let's see if you can do it again."

She stared at his back, as she said this. However, the detective didn't move. He seemed frozen in place, unabl4e to say or do anything as he stared at the hole in the target.

Shuichi still stayed silent; not unlike a statue. His lips quivering, his eyes focused on the since bullet hole.

Kaito turned to face his friend. "Shuichi?" He began, "You alright over there?"

However, the detective didn't hear him. Instead, he took a step backwards uneasily, looking like his legs would collapse beneath him. The others began to try and gain the boy's attention, but he paid them no heed, still staring at the single hole in the target.

The target, a vivid red, with a single hole through it's centre had triggered something in his head. Shuichi couldn't hear anything.

There was some type of buzzing in his ears. The sounds slowly became louder and louder, and Shuichi swore he could feel the vibrations, giving him a painful headache.

It was loud, excruciatingly loud. He couldn't see, he couldn't see anything. Only blobs of colour fighting against the overpowering black.

He felt as though he was drowning, everything was changing.

Before, there has been the target in front of him. Now, it was dark. There wasn't any sound except that static buzzing, it made him feel disorientated.

Nononononononononononono make it stop for goodness sake make it go away. Please please please please go away I don't want to remember I can see I see them, him and her and me and the room and them...

The hallway was dim, there was little to no light, but there were silhouettes. Some were advancing towards him, and two were in front of him. The small table next to him had a small vase with flowers in blur shades.

Shuichi's heartbeat kept speeding up. The hallway kept fliting in front of his eyes. The walls navy and splattered with red. It was everywhere; the stains were on the floor, on the walls, stairs, clothes, him. It was everywhere.

Then he saw them

He saw her hair splayed out underneath her. She was curled up into a ball against the wall. Her clothes were ripped and torn, showing her scarred skin. Her eyes were closed, but her mouth was still open. From that loud loud loud loud scream.

He also saw him. He was barely a foot away from him. He was laying on the floor, having fallen over. His eyes were wide with fear and worry, et they weren't seeing. His clothes had fewer rips, but still fairly tattered. His cap discarded beside Shuichi, still clean somehow, with the stars he'd drawn on years ago still that bright white. His face had red dripping down, and around him, the same colour was pooling around him, just like it was with her.

It smelt, the smell of metal and sick were disgusting and present. It's made him feel more nauseous than before.

The Detective's head was pounding, making it difficult to keep his eyes open.  Everything ached; was she still screaming? Was he screaming? Why was it so loud if they were, were just there?

Shuichi was shaking, they were there. Then they weren't. Then he saw the others again, the people he still feared. They also were beaten, but still walking, still shouting, still coming.

Those cloaks ,that hid them in he night, billowing behind them was making his heart pump faster. Those heavy boots that he could hear no matter where he was in the house, badump badump badump, was both off putting a scary.

Coming towards him.


His head snapped back. Suddenly, he stumbled. He was not in the corridor, he could see the grass and the deep blue sky again. But he was still sick, he was  still shaking with his eyes darting everywhere.

Kaito was behind him, supporting his back, that's when Shuichi realised he was on the floor; he had collapsed and fallen, shivering and mumbling senselessly.

His vision was still somewhat blurred, and he gently touched his face, shocked to find it wet. Then he realised he was crying. He was crying, but saying nothing.

He looked sideways towards Kaito, who had a look of worry plastered on his face. Shuichi shaking reached towards him, he felt sick, he need something, someone, so he could see if this was real or fake.was he dreaming? Was he alive? Where was he?

Kaito saw how fearful his sidekick was and gently put an arm around him, trying to silently comfort him.

Shuichi didn't remember much of what happend, he didn't remember how he got to his room, now swathed in blankets with Kaito nearby. The only things he remembered was the metallic smell of fresh blood and the same colour staining his being qnd he stared at his,  what he supposed, clean hand.


How was his hand clean? Without any gore or blood or anything? Thay wasn't fair. It shouldn't. It should never be clean. They were gone instead of him, he should be covered in blood. He did it. He didn't do anything to save them.

He never forgave himself for that.

Word count: 916

I know I know, it too short but I didn't want to make it linger and loose anything along with that.

Hope you enjoyed, I'll rewrite and finish this story I  the near future, I just have a severe writing block, ha ha....

Anyways, Happy Reading!


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