Whipped Coffee

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"there are people dying and you want me to go on some fucking instagram and talk about whipped coffee?!" you rolled your eyes.

"just do it." your boss seemed unimpressed, "we'll pay you and we know you've having health scares and everything so we want to tone it back for you."

"i get that, but tone back my editing, get a fucking temp to make this video." i groan, my phone rings and i see an incoming call from Daveed, the third one since i ignored him yesterday, "not now..." i ignore.

"do this." you boss' demeanour changes, "it will take two seconds, suck. it. up." and she hangs up.

you gather ingredients and right before you start you decide to call daveed back.

"hey." you don't really know what to say.

"hey, sunshine!" daveed seemed happy, "haven't heart from you in a while."

"i know, i'm sorry."

"well, soccer is doing well, he needs friends so i hope clyde is okay with other dogs...?" daveed asked.

"ya, ya he is." you pet clyde on the snout, he gives a happy sound.

"is everything okay, you seem really tense and you put a certain up and i'm starting to think i said something to hurt you-"

"daveed," you cut him off, "you're fine." you go to the kitchen and take off the certain, you smile and see daveed's back because he's resting on the sink. "turn around."

he whips around and smiles, "hey."


daveed drops the phone and goes to grab something, you can hear him start to sweet talk soccer and he comes back with soccer in his arms.

clyde jumped on the couch and makes eyes contact with soccer, both dogs have started to bark at one another but also try and get closer.

"should we let them meet?" daveed asked.

"i have some shit for work so-"

"what is it?" he smiled and out soccer down.

"i have to make this whipped coffee to try and lighten people's spirits, it's so stupid i mean i got so many other fucking issues i can't even think of spending time making arts and crafts shit." you forgot daveed was actually listening, "i'm constantly waiting for a fucking call from the fucking hospital to tell me my fucking parents died! and they want whipped coffee!" you look to see daveed shocked, your eyes have slightly started to tear up.

"what's happening with your parents?" he asked, almost shocked that this was even happening.

"i have to go-"

"no, (y/n)-"

"what happening to sunshine?"

there was a pause, daveed looked right at you. something made you want to break every rule and just walk ten steps and hug him. everything pointed to him, every little smile from his texts and every little smirk he had on facetime. with nothing happening in the world the gravitational pull wasn't on work, wasn't on parents, wasn't on you, but him.

you were two magnets that were being pulled back with every ounce of power possible, you knew he would accept a hug. you had a feeling he was the kind of guy who would pull you on the couch and let you cry for however long you needed and never say a word, the kind of person who knew comfort food was an unhealthy soother but still got you that pizza, or tacos or whatever you wanted. the guy who always brought a flower on every date, he would definitely pull the chair out for you when you would sit anywhere.

"(y/n)," daveed sighed, "i-i don't know how to say this... i don't want you to just be sunshine, i want you to be...my... sunshine...?" he covered his face, " that made no sense, "that was so stupid."

"you suck at this, mr. poet" you laugh.

"like you could do any better." daveed smirked.

"i can," you paused, ya, i wanna do this, "i like you, a lot." and a small weight on your shoulders left, "we've been talking for about a while non-stop, i know you." you see him smile, "is this way too soon to say this? probably!" you throw your hands up, "but the world is ending and my lungs could possible turn out like my parents in a day, so i don't care. call it a cheesy teenage story, cliché, or the fault in our stars for all fucking care!" you smile, "daveed, i want to see where this goes, and ya, we aren't dating yet but i want to keep this up."

daveed looked at the ground and fiddled with his fingernails, "i'd really like that."

"so, we get tests tomorrow and if we are both negative then we can see each other face to face in one another's houses, we can do this thing together. as a team." you were determined.

daveed nodded, "as a team."

"i'll tell you about my parents another time, i really need to work." you pointed behind you, but nothing was really there.

"i'll book appointments to get tested, i'll text you later." daveed hung up and waved before moving away from the window.

as he left your vision you fell back on the couch, your phone hugged tightly to your chest. your face couldn't have gotten hotter, your face was hurting from the smiling.

the world was finally looking up, the amount of talking you and daveed had done in the span of how ever long could have easily equaled a month for other people so it was only fitting to fall in love- am i in love?

you give your head a shake and get your phone and the supplies, after making a loose script you begin to record.

"hello, i'm (y/n) (l/n) from the New York Times, i've been tasked with a section of a instagram video to show off some things i've been making at home." you have never made this before. "i'm making whipped coffee!"

you end the video and quickly set up, "i got some instant coffee and some milk as well as a clean cup with some ice." you recorded your self whipping everything up and pouring it all into a cup, "so," you flip the camera to yourself, "i've had this time and time again," lie "i've decided to give this to my neighbour, i'm going to get his real reaction on camera."

you walk outside and knock on his door, daveed smiles and holds soccer by the collar. he was wearing some athletic shorts and a tank top, pretty sure he was going for a run.

"can you try this?" you offer the cup, you had a mask on. "whipped coffee, for the Times."

daveed giggled and let you place the cup on the ground and move back before he stepped forward and took it, the sun was shining bright and birds were chirping.

you hit record, daveed tipped the cup toward the camera and took a sip. some of the coffee had combined with the milk so he got an even amount of milk and coffee.

"damn, that's actually good!" he smiled, "thanks." he held the cup again.

you turned around and flipped you phone to get a final shot of you and daveed, letting people know you had a mask and were distancing, he gave a thumbs up and you waved while yelling, "you should try it to!"

after cutting the video he gave the cup back, "i actually hate coffee." he laughed, "i'm more of a tea kinda guy."

"you could have said you didn't want to try it." you went back over to your garden as he started to stretch.

"you seemed real proud, i couldn't crush your heart like that." he fiddled with his headphone and getting into some app, "thanks for thinking of me."

you smiled but only your eyes could give that away from the mask, "anytime, have a good run!" you called as he started to run, he ran backward and waved, you waved back.

My Dear Melancholy (Daveed Diggs x reader)Where stories live. Discover now