Chapter Three: USJ

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Aizawa: Alright class before we begin, you're gonna have to pick a class representative and vice representative. I don't care who it is, just hurry up.

Kaminari: i want to be class representative!

Jirou: me too

Mina: Oh me!

Iida: settle down guys! How about we vote instead? That's alot more reasonable and fair.

After voting

Iida: and our class representative will me Midoriya!

Deku: Huh? Why me?

Iida: You have the most votes. And Yaoyorozu will be Vice representative.

Momo: Alright.

Aizawa: now that that's settled, let's start our lesson on...

Skip to lunch where Deku, Iida, Uraraka, and Momo are all sitting at the same table

Deku: I don't feel fit to be class representative.

Uraraka: Why not? You're the strongest in the class and smart too.

Deku: Yeah but-

An alarm goes off

Iida: What's that alarm for?

Momo: It's the villain alarm!

Deku: Villain alarm?! C'mon we have to evacuate!

Everyone runs to evacuate but deku looks out the window too see the entrance is filled with news Reporters

Deku: Guys look! It's just the media!

Iida: What? Then we have to tell everyone to calm down and it's just a false alarm then!

Uraraka: But how are we gonna do that?

Iida: I got it! Uraraka! Use your zero gravity on me and make me float. Yaoyorozu, make me a megaphone so i can speak loud enough to get everyone's attention, and Midoriya use your wind to get me over that wall on the exit.

Momo: Here! *Makes a megaphone and hands it to Iida*

Uraraka: *Touches Iida and makes him float*

Deku: Brace yourself! Wind style: Air Palm! *Blows Iida away to the wall*


Everyone calmed down and proceeded to go back inside

Deku: Good job Iida.

Uraraka: Yeah you did good!

Momo: I must say, that was a smart move

Iida: Thank you guys. But we should head back to class. Our lunch break's nearly over

Deku: Yep let's go.

At the classroom

Aizawa: Alright class representative, make the announcement.

Deku: Well first, I'd like to give my position up to Iida.

Iida: Huh? Why?

Deku: Because as i was saying before i got cut off, A class representative isn't a place for someone who's just simply smart and strong, it's a position for people with an increadible sense of responsibility and leadership. And Iida's a good fit for that role and what he did earlier helped proved that.

Kaminari: I agree with Midoriya!

Kirishima: Me too!

Jirou: No objections here!

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