Chapter Twenty: Final Battle

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All for One: Well this is quite a turn of events. It seems that both of you have grown stronger from witnesses the death of your master!

Shigaraki: Stronger or not, you both will die anyways.

Deku: We'll see about that.

All for One and Shigaraki: *Points their hands towards Deku and Mirio, shooting out flames*

Mirio: Texas SMASH! *Punches the air, shooting out strong wind pressure that blows the fire back*

Deku: Wind style: Vacuum blast barage! *Slices the air with his hands, sending powerful air waves towards Shigaraki and All for one*

All for One: *Activates air shield that shields them from Deku's Attack*

Mirio: *Appears beside Shigaraki* You let-

Deku: *Body flickers beside All for one* -your guards down!

Mirio and Deku: RAHH!! *Punches all for one and Shigaraki in the face, launching them to hit eachother*

Shigaraki: GAH! (Damn my body can't handle All for one yet!)

Mirio and deku: *Uppercuts both of them and launches them in the air, then teleports above them and hits them to the ground*

Deku: *Activates Susano'o arm* Inferno style: Yasaka beads! *throws susano'o beads infused with Amaterasu and hits All for one and Shigaraki*

Mirio: *Lands* Did we get them?

Deku: *Lands* Don't let your guard down.

All for One: *Protected him and Shigaraki with an air shield* This is getting quite annoying. *Turns his hand into a blade and appears in front of Deku*

Deku: *Uses Rinnegan's ability and switches places with Shigaraki*

Shigaraki: *Gets stabbed in the chest*

All for One: What?!

Mirio: Detroit Smash!! *Punches All for One in the face, sending him back*

Shigaraki: Wh-what Just- *Coughs out blood and falls to the ground*

Deku: (So that's what this eye does) *Walks over to Mirio* Mirio are you okay?

Mirio: Yeah. What did you do?

Deku: It seems i can switch places with anything i want using this eye. Is he dead?

Mirio: *Checks his pulse* No he's alive. But looks like he won't be waking up any time.

Deku: Good. That's one less problem to deal with.

All for One: *Appears in front of them* How dare you! If you want to die so badly, then i'll gladly kill both of you!

Deku: Mirio, whatever happens, just don't stop attacking.

Mirio: Got it.

All for One: Die! *Creates swords and launches them at Mirio and Deku*

Deku: *Switches places with All for one*

All for One: Wh- AH!! *Gets stabbed by multiple swords*

Mirio: *Permeats through the swords and punches All for One multiple times and launches him back*

All for One: *Recovers and lands on his feet*

Mirio: *Gets in front of him and throws a punch*

All for one: *Tries to block*

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