Chapter Five: Moving into Dorms

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At morning class

Deku: *Goes inside the classroom* Good morning guys!


Deku: Why do you guys have to shout my name whenever i show up?

Bakugo: Cuz you're always hurt whenever you show up!

Iida: How's your eyesight?

Deku: Oh it's better. Actually. It got even better.

Uraraka: What do you mean by that?

Deku: *Activates sharingan* My sharingan evolved twice so now i have three tomoes

Tsuyu: In a span of 2 days? Something good or bad must've happened.

Deku: I guess you can say that.

Momo: *Goes inside* Hey good morning everyone!

Deku: Ah momo! Good morning!

Momo: Good morning Izuku.

Deku: *Goes over to momo* How'd you sleep last night...

Mina: Don't you think they're a lot more closer after the USJ?

Uraraka: Hmm you're right.

Mina: I've got a feeling about why that is hehe.

Tsuyu: Now c'mon Mina we should respect their privacy. We're in no place to pry our way into whatever relationship they have ribbit.

Jirou: She's right you know.

Mina: Aw man...

Aizawa: *Goes inside* Alright class sit down i have an announcement to make.

Class: *Sits down*

Aizawa: Alright today, you'll be going home early.

Deku: What? Why?

Aizawa: So you can pack your stuff up. Because of what happened at the USJ, You're all moving into dorms and don't worry, we already have permission from your parents.

Kirishima: Oh hell yeah!

Hagakure: This is gonna be so much fun!

Aizawa: Go pack up your clothes, decorations, instruments, whatever. The dorms already have your beds and any necessary stuff. I want you all back at the gate in an hour and a half. Class dismissed.

Class: Yes sensei!

An hour and a half later, everyone met up at the gates and was lead to the dorms.

Aizawa: Alright before we go inside. I need to inform you that you're not allowed to leave campus without permission from me you have to be specific about how long you'll be gone, and where you're going. On weekdays, Lights out are on 10 pm. At the weekends, you can go do whatever you all want. Is that understood?

Class: Yes sensei!

Aizawa: good.

They all enter the common room

Aizawa: This is the common room. To the left, there's the kitchen and dining room. There are bathrooms are here too in case you need to use them while you're here. There are 4 floors with 10 rooms each. The 5 on the left are the girl's rooms and the other 5 on the right are the boy's rooms. The things you couldn't carry with you are already in your rooms. Decorate and make it to whatever you want. That is all. *Walks out*

Skip to night time when everyone's done decorating their rooms. At the common room

Kirishima: Man that was tiring!

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