xxvii || christmas part 3

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Annabella stood by Rose's side, nervously glancing around at all of the people filtering into the large room, taking their places at the table.

"Merlin," she whispered in awe. "You have so many relatives." She couldn't believe that this many people from their family were willing to come together for the holidays, as she couldn't remember the last time she'd had a family gathering of her own that was anything more than just her parents and sometimes grandparents.

Rose laughed softly. "Yeah, it can be chaotic sometimes." Patting her arm lightly, she smiled at her. "Don't be too nervous, they're all harmless. Except for Lily maybe, but you've already met her, so."

She giggled. "Very true."

They were distracted from their conversation by the sight of a very flustered James chasing after his uncles.

"Shut up," he hissed, face flushed with his discomfort. Ron and George merely snickered at him. Annabelle shot a confused glance to Rose who just shrugged in response.

Molly scrutinized the boys with her gaze. "What's going on here?"

"Just teasing James." George answered.


"Nothing," James blurted out at the same time that George and Ron's gazes slid over to Annabella before looking back at Molly innocently. Molly as well looked at her quickly before looking back to the guys with a small smile on her face.

"Oh leave him alone, go sit down somewhere." She scolded lightheartedly.

She watched as James let out a sigh of relief before making his way over to her. He smiled at her sheepishly.


"Hi," she smiled back as he steered her towards where he wanted to sit.

"I hope my family hasn't gotten on your nerves too much yet."

She shook her head quickly. "No no, they're lovely." Pausing, she added "but it seems like they've gotten on your nerves." Annabella quirked an eyebrow. "What's that about?"

His face reddened. "Uh," he hesitated. "I'll tell you later."

"Will you really?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I will." He said nervously.

Lily slid into the seat next to her. "That's exciting," she said smirking slightly. "Wonder what it is."

James shot Lily a glare.

"Dinner will be served in just a moment," Molly announced as she prepared the plates to be placed onto the table.

Arthur, James' grandfather, sat down across from them.

"So, dear. I hear your parents are muggles? That's absolutely fascinating. What do they do?"

"Bloody hell," James whispered under his breath.

Annabella blinked in surprise. "Oh. They're both highschool teachers, nothing too exciting."

The older man grinned. "Brilliant, that's brilliant. What subjects do they teach?"

"My mum teaches calculus and my father teaches history but like...for muggles." She shrugged. "Both are boring subjects in my opinion, out of all the subjects offered in their school I'd always wished I could have taken a photography class."

"Oh, interesting. Photography, the muggle pictures, right? How does it work?"

"Grandad, come on, don't interrogate her," Rose said.

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