xxviii || the art of subtly

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James stepped off the train, somehow feeling both excited and dreading the return to Hogwarts. After an amazing winter break he was looking forward to seeing Annabella again since she went home after Christmas, but he wasn't very happy with the fact that they had to keep their interactions to a minimum while in school.

During the course of spending time with his family and confessing to the girl of his dreams he had almost managed to forget that there was a very real threat hanging around their heads. He didn't want anyone else to get hurt because of them, Albus ending up in the hospital wing was enough and should have never happened. He was determined to get to the bottom of it before it happens again.

Someone bumped into his shoulder, shaking him out of his thoughts. He looked up just in time to see Annabella shoot him a small smile before turning away to catch up with his friends. He felt his face heat up a little and his heart instantly felt lighter. Just seeing her was enough to calm his worries.

"Disgusting," a voice snickered by his ear. James scowled, looking over at Albus who got off the train with him.

"I don't know how many times I have to say this, but you have no room to talk. At least we actually did something about our feelings."

Albus averted his eyes. "I'll get there eventually."

James looked at him in surprise. "Oh so you actually admit it now?"

His brother elbowed him harshly in the side as they made their way up to the entrance of the castle. James stopped, and pulled Albus off to the side so they weren't in the way of the numerous students rushing to unpack in their rooms.

"Hey, just...before we go back in. If you need anything or find yourself in trouble again, especially because of me, please don't hesitate to reach out. I know you don't blame me for what happened but I still feel responsible for it and I want you to know I have your back, okay? I'm gonna get to the bottom of this."

Albus' gaze became serious and he could see his eyes turn understanding. "So that's what had you all quiet on the train?" He asked and James nodded.

"Thanks. I trust you James. Don't stress too much and don't deprive yourself of your beloved Annabella. We'll get it figured out," he said and knocked their shoulders together. "As much as I appreciate the attempt at the heart to heart...I'm gonna go find Scorpius now."

"Wow. Alright, go on then" James laughed. "Love you little bro."

The younger brother scrunched his nose in disgust. "Love you too I guess...sometimes."

James shook his head, grinning. They would be alright.


Sitting on his bed with the curtains pulled shut for privacy, James' peace and quiet was interrupted by Noah.

"Mate, someone's at the common room entrance for you."

He poked his head out of the curtains quizzically. "Who?"

The other boy rolled his eyes. "Just go see, why don't you."

Huffing, James shoved his feet into his shoes and begrudgingly made his way to the common room door. Luckily because of the hour, no one else was out there. He slid the entrance open and was surprised to see Olivia staring back at him.

"Hello. James Potter, yes?"


"Yes? Do you not know who I am?" James asked, baffled.

"Can't say that I do," she quipped with a wink. "However, I am here to inform you that someone's waiting for you in that secret room of yours. Someone who may or may not go by the name of Annabella White," she whispered. "Though I can't say for sure. I'm just the messenger after all, I don't get told or paid enough for this job."

Going Soft | JAMES SIRIUS POTTER HP NEXT GENERATIONWhere stories live. Discover now