xv || that's rather gay

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James hurried back after Grant into the Great Hall. "Mate, I'm sorry."

Grant slowed down to walk back to the table with James. "I know you are. But you don't need to be apologizing to me," he reminded him.

"Merlin, I know. I need to make it up to Annabella." James said. "I just don't know how to."

"Well, for starters I'd say we should stop talking about it now. We're nearing our table and your lady is sitting down at the end of it." Grant informed him. "Why she'd want to sit at the same table as you after all of that, I've no clue."

James's gaze snapped up to see Annabella sitting with Rose further down the table, talking to the red headed girl. He hasn't even known that they were friends.

"I didn't know Bella was friends with Rose!" He exclaimed, ignoring Grant's dig.

"Seems there's a bit you don't know about her mate." Grant said, shrugging as he sat down in the empty seat next to Noah.

James sighed and took his previous seat between the two boys who had been getting on his nerves lately. He tried to avoid looking at Bella, but he couldn't help it and looked up just as she did, making eye contact from across the table. She looked like she was hurt but was trying not to let it show. She broke the eye contact and looked back over to Rose.

"Oi, mate!" Noah called out loudly, nudging James, interrupting him from his thoughts. "Albus and Scorpius look rather cozy over there, don't you think?"

James's gaze flicked to the table across from them, seeing Albus and Scorpius sitting close to each other. Scorpius appeared to not have heard, but James could tell that Noah's words registered in Albus's head, because his cheeks were red and he was slowly shifting away from the blond boy.

"Hey Albus," Noah jested. "Ashamed, are you? That's cause you know there's something wrong with you."

Grant was glaring at Noah, but not saying anything, but James could tell he was fuming inside and biting his tongue.

He registered that Annabella's attention was caught as she looked over to Noah from where she had been sitting and chatting with Rose at the opposite end of the Gryffindor table.

"Do you have a problem with them, Noah?" She called out to him, more anger in her voice than usual, which was probably James's fault, as she pushed herself up into a standing position.

James felt a surge of fondness for the girl who probably hated him at the moment, yet was still standing up for his younger brother.

"Well, yeah." He said as if it was the most obvious answer in the world, standing up to meet her gaze. "They're gay, and I'd prefer they keep that to themselves. It's rather disgusting." He said as Charlie was laughing next to James.

James felt his adrenaline kick in at the anger he was feeling, and turned to give Charlie a flabbergasted look, as if to say, 'mate that's my brother, what the hell are you laughing at?'

Annabella smirked as an idea formed in your head. "Well, you would know, wouldn't you?"

Rose's mouth dropped open as soon as she picked up on where the older girl was going with her question.

Noah frowned and his expression turned uneasy. "Know what?"

"You'd know they were gay." She explained, as if it were obvious. And it really was obvious to most.

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