xi || his precious bella

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Annabella was walking through the corridors by herself on her way to the Ravenclaw common room, when she heard her name mentioned ahead of her, around the corner.

"Honestly mate, I'm sort of jealous of James, fooling around with Annabella and all that," the voice drawled.

"Why?" A different, slightly higher voice responded.

"Well, for starters, have you seen her body? She has quite a nice one, she is definitely not lacking in several important places, if you get what I'm on about," the masculine voice laughed. "I just can't get past her attitude."

The other voice was silent for a moment, before he responded. "Well maybe she wouldn't need an attitude if there weren't pricks like you commenting on her body all the time."

Annabella held her books tighter to her chest, silently thanking the second voice for not making a comment towards her, unlike the first.

"Whatever mate, I know you agree with me. Who wouldn't," he said. "A queer, that's who."

The other boy said nothing, once again.

"Hey Noah, don't mention any of this to James. He'd blow a fuse if he knew I was saying this about his precious Bella," the voice mocked, and Annabella suddenly placed a name to it as she rounded the corner.

Charlie McLaggen, and the other was Noah Jones.

Her opinion of Charlie went down even further, but Noah's was raised slightly since he hadn't participated in the nasty conversation about her.

She hurried past them as quickly as she could, hoping desperately that Charlie didn't notice her.

"Hey, Annabella! We were just talking about you—" Charlie called out, but she didn't give him a chance to finish.

"Oh fuck off, would you?" She snarled, not looking back at him as she neared the end of that stretch of hall to round another corner.

She ran right into someone.

Backing up, she looked into the startled face of James Potter. She instantly found herself relaxing from Charlie's earlier comments.

"Bella!" James exclaimed, but then took in her slightly frazzled state. "Are you alright?"

She shrugged. "I'm thinking about hexing Charlie, but other than that I'm fine."

James frowned. "What did he do?" He asked, looking over at the other boy.

"Why don't you ask him? I'm sure he has plenty more comments about my body that he wouldn't mind sharing. Now if you excuse me, I'll be on my way." She said side stepping him with a small smile. "I'll see you around James."

As she continued to the Ravenclaw dorms, she could hear James's voice floating down the hallway.

"Charlie, what the bloody hell did you say about my Annabella?"

A smile appeared on her face. "My Annabella," she said to no one in particular. "I quite like the sound of that."

I'm super sorry this chapter was short, and sort of a filler. I'm leaving for a sleep away camp tonight, and I won't be back till next Saturday. There's going to be no reception, so I won't be able to upload, which is why I'm posting this chapter early !

Going Soft | JAMES SIRIUS POTTER HP NEXT GENERATIONWhere stories live. Discover now