ii || friends

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In the dorm, James looked over to Charlie as the slightly shorter boy cleared his throat.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"You never did say, how was working with Annabella?" Charlie asked, waggling his eyebrows.

James rolled his eyes. "She's annoying as bloody hell. All "I'm so smart" and self righteous and shit." He complained.

Charlie frowned. "Damnit. She's too bloody attractive for that! Are you sure?"

"Very." James stated.

Charlie sighed, and slumped back in his bed. "Whyyyy." He whined, just as Noah walked in.

"Why what?" Noah asked his friend.

"Why did Annabella have to be unbearably annoying!?" Charlie pouted.

"...Why does it matter?" Noah asked, clearly not getting it.

Charlie sat up and seized his friend's shoulders, pulling him down to sit next to him. He shook him as if somehow that would get his point across.

"Because she's hot, mate!" Charlie exclaimed. "Have you seen her? Is your vision alright?" He joked, peering into Noah's eyes.

Noah's cheeks flushed slightly and he pushed Charlie away.

"Course my vision is fine. I guess I just don't really see anything in her?" Noah shrugged.

Charlie laughed, and shook his curly head of blond hair. "Sure you don't, it's okay to admit it. James and I both agree that anyone who doesn't find her attractive is probably a closeted queer."

James frowned. "I actually never agreed to that."

"Well you must've thought it." Charlie said.

James decided to just shrug and say nothing.

Noah's face flushed again and he defended himself. "Come off it, I'm not queer! Just saying...guess I just prefer blondes." The boy mumbled.

"Whatever mate." Charlie quipped, and Noah smiled at his friend.

James rolled his eyes at his two friends. Sometimes, they could be dicks, like Annabella said. But sometimes, they could be alright too.

"Now come on you two, shut up. I've got loads of homework to get started on." James ordered playfully, but with a serious undertone.

Just as James finished what he was saying, Grant walked into the dorm.

"You haven't started yet? James, I expected better of you." Grant tutted.

"Hey, I was too busy being awesome." James said and shrugged—in a cool way.

Grant rolled his eyes and Charlie groaned.

"Please, never say that again." Both of them begged.

James sighed. "Yeah, I won't. I cringed at myself as I said that."


Not long after that, the boys decided they did enough homework and started to make their way down to the Great Hall, as their stomachs were beginning to rumble.

James was walking backwards, talking to his friends about something Lily did over the summer, when he stumbled into someone.

He tripped, and fell on his arse, as the smaller body tripped forwards and spilled books and papers all over the floor.

James's eyes widened in surprise as his friends began laughing at him. He looked over to see a girl quickly gathering her books.

"Holy crap, I'm sorry, do you want me to help you with that?" He asked.

The girl huffed and turned towards him. "No James, I'm fine." She snarked, annoyed.

James cursed inwardly, it was Annabella.

"You sure, Bella?" He taunted.

"Yes. I'm also sure that if you call me Bella one more time that I'll hex you into tomorrow." She replied as she finished gathering her books from the floor.

"Sorry Bella." He apologized with mock sincerity. "I won't do it again."

Her eyes flashed as she whipped her wand out and held it at his throat.

"Say it again." She hissed. "I dare you."

James gulped.

"Woah woah woah there Bella. Calm down, everything's okay here." Grant assured her, and delicately pushed her wand away from James's throat.

Annabella frowned. "Sorry, you're right."

"Wait—he gets to call you Bella but I can't?!" James exclaimed.

Annabella rolled her eyes. "This idiot is my friend's twin, so he's kinda my friend by default."

"So I'm getting that you only let your friends call you that."

"Pretty much."

"Guess I'll have to become your friend then."

"No thanks."

"You sure?" James questioned.

"Hmm, let me think about that....yep. Still sure." She replied, and whirled around, walking down the hallway.

James looked at Grant, bewildered.

Grant shrugged. "She's a bit rough around the edges."

"No kidding." Noah snorted.

James sighed. "Come on, let's go get some dinner..."

Sorry this was so short and that it's kind of a filler! I didn't have much time to work on this chapter, it's also unedited!

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