xxix || a possible suspect

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James felt like he was thrown back in time as he sat next to his unconscious friend in the hospital wing. The curse that paralyzed him was easily reversed, as well as the one that practically turned his limbs to rubber, but the poor bloke was knocked out from the pain.

James had been worried his bones wouldn't return but Madam Pomfrey assured him she knew what she was dealing with. "Your father knows a thing or two about this as well," she informed him.

Of course. James should get used to hearing that, honestly. Every time James or someone he knows ended up in the hospital wing she had something to say about his dad.

He heard rapid footsteps nearing the hospital wing and pushed back the curtains in time to see Charlie rushing into the room.

"I heard...Noah? I don't..." he trailed off, taking in the sight of one of his best friends on the hospital bed.

James grimaced. "He'll be alright. It wasn't good but I don't think it was close to what happened to Albus."

Charlie rounded on him. "What, so that makes it okay?"

His mouth dropped open. "What? No! That's not what I meant, none of this is okay."

"But it's your fault, isn't it? I heard your dad talking to the headmistress about the second note on the way here. And you're still hanging out with that girl and you don't care who it affects." Charlie's eyes looked wet.

James looked away, feeling the guilt eat at him. Charlie wasn't wrong necessarily, maybe he should've stopped hanging out with her until they had this under control. But there's no changing what already happened.

"What I meant is that there was no risk of him bleeding out with what happened to Albus. Maybe whoever did this realized they went too far with Albus, because this was non fatal. Painful and scary, sure. I wasn't trying to justify this, I was just trying to calm you down because you weren't there to see it." James explained calmly, holding his hands up placatingly.

The other boy nodded stiffly, face drawn in anger. He took a seat next to Noah's side.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "I just know I've been a bad friend and maybe even a bad person lately. I was worried I'd never get to make up for that if something terrible happened."

Biting his tongue to stop himself from agreeing with Charlie, he sat down across from him. "Well you have all the time in the world to do that mate. And Noah's not one to hold grudges, especially against you."

"Yeah," Charlie said. "I know."

The air turned awkward and James leaned back, sighing deeply. "I'm gonna step out for a minute if that's okay?"

"Yeah, go ahead." Charlie nodded.

"But uh, James?"

He nodded for the other to continue.

"I know I've done enough for you to not want to associate with me anymore so I understand if you feel that way. But I'm trying to be better. I just wanted to let you know. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately with...all that's happened." Charlie said quickly, struggling to make eye contact.

He offered him a half smile. "I can tell, mate. I appreciate it." He patted Charlie on the shoulder. "There was a time where you would have rather gouged your own eyes out then show your friends you care about them."

Charlie hung his head, embarrassed.

"I'll be back. I just need to talk to some people right now."

With that James exited the room, seeking out his dad and Headmistress McGonagall. They were still standing off to the side in a secluded part of the hallway, right where they were when he left them earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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