Chapter three - - women's intuition

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Her unfruitful over thinking last night led to a frantic morning. She woke up late and stood automatically as if she was pulled up, then hurry herself to the bathroom and took a quick shower. She got dress so fast and manage to do some make up. She just added a little powder on her face, a light carnation pink lipstick and she's all done. She doesn't like wearing heavy makeups and alter her features in a day to day basis. She was quite contented with herself, not that she was that pretty herself but because she hate being mistaken for someone or get any confusion if they see her with no make up and all, besides the fact that make-up took some time which she hated to waste for something unnecessary for her.

She took another glance in the mirror and satisfy her self with her plain look, she look formal enough in her khaki formal skirt that is just an inch above her knee topped with a maroon blouse and a coat.

She smile thinking that this day would be great and she can do great. So with a positive mood she hurried to go outside her room and went downstairs and saw her sister there preparing breakfast, a wide grin plastered automatically in her sister's face as she look at her. Cassandra can't help but smile in return.

"breakfast is ready."Emily announces with her mood contaging every corner of the room. Her aura had always something about bliss, contentment and positivity making Cassandra much more feel too overly protective for her.

Cassandra's smile widen then suddenly she remembers the time, making her automatically peek at her wrist. It says its still 7:10 in the morning so she guess she can eat and share a breakfast with her sissie and pray tell she wont get stuck on traffic so she wont be late for work today.

She hate being late but as she settle and took a spoonful of the cheese filled scrambled egg and rice, she feel she've been too prepoccupied that she missed it.

She miss this, she missed breakfast with her sissie and having her around so she guess she can take a gamble for being late for a bonding moment like this.

Cassandra was too consumed on food that she haven't even notice the smile on her sister's face, the bloom in her aura and the light mood she emits when she started to stutter for something to say. She was too used to see her smile always that she haven't noticed much the difference in her glow.

"ahm. ." Emily paused and look at me nervously as if thinking or picking for the right word to say. "Ate (a-teh). .there is something I want to discuss with you. ."

Cassandra look up and see Emily's face, waiting for her words to come out but she's quiet unsure how to proceed or how to say something as if weighing her options. Hints got her but she was too preoccupied with time as it strucks nearly quarter to eight. She think she's going to be late, so very late.

She take a look at her watch again and then back to Emily. When she said its worth her tardiness before it had changed suddenly, maybe it has to do with work or some plain instincts with her sister's stuttering or the mysterious man.  "Im going to be late, . so if your not ready we might just discuss this over dinner tonight. How about that?"

Cassandra could see her sister was not pretty sure to accept the offer, she can sense her eagerness and dilemma to tell her something but her mind were racing through her schedules and work already, there are many things  to be done and to add to that list was the mysterious consultant who keep her wide awake last night.

"uhm . .sounds like a plan." Emily finally conceded and release a forced smile.

Cassandra finish her one last spoonful of food and got up, she look at Emme for one last time as the later manage to give her a smile again but this time hesitation was all plastered out as if she had consoled herself or what.

"we'll talk later okay?" Cassandra give her sister a quick hug and a slight kiss in the cheek which her sister just warmly accepted then she drifted away and wave goodbye.

When she was on the road, Cassandra blew a whistle as thanks goodness traffic has not caught her  tail and she had arrive atleast ten minutes away from the standard operating time at work.

Great. Its a good day to start. Hopefully its a good day. She muses as she rode on the elevator ride.

. . ...............

Cassandra have her usual routines, paperworks, numbers, cost..etc. .so it was quiet busy to remember time and it is already past one when she receive a message from her sissie.


From: little sis

Got us booked in Monalisa tonight. Hope you show up as promised. <3

Love, ur baby sis.


Quite surprise with Emily's text Cassandra just let the though dozens of question formed in her head like,   What is the need to be so formal over dinner tonight? Is there something so important? Or should I say was it really that important or formal? She can't feed any answers to her own questions and she don't like her feeling on this matter. If the feeling was neglectable at first, well its totally and obviously undeniable this time. Instincts don't lie no matter how you rely on them or how you ignore them. And its telling her now the same thing she had earlier only that its more stronger now and its that something huge and bad is going to happen.

She shrug the thought. Maybe its nothing, maybe its just --just . .urgh. . Nothing.

................ .........

Time. Cassandra had been thinking and watching time. Why was time so utterly slow when your watching it and fly so fast when ignoring it? She muses as she release her breath. It certainly has a cruel attitude.

"You seem like a woman uncertain whether to poop or not to poop. You okay?" She look up and saw Ariel sitting on top of her desk already while his tossing an apple now and again before taking a bite. Ariel is handsome, that is undeniable his usual black slacks paired with his coffee coloured long sleeves that hangs perfectly on him seems to add more of his attractiveness, not that Cassandra was minding anyway.   "let me guess, .your sister. .your thinking about her."

She raise an eyebrow, this man must have a way to read her thoughts. How inconvenient. "How did you know?"

"well, for you there are only two things which concern you gravely. First, work and Second, Emily. So if its not work, which I believe not cause we already pass the papers yesterday and are just awaiting for there further instructions. .Therefore, there is only one thing remaining. Your sister. So what is the problem now? Tell me."

She release a confused smile then started to pack her things giving herself ample of time for her own silence while Ariel is patiently waiting for her to say something. He knew that if she doesn't spill he would just let her steam off and talk to her later again or just wait now until she says something, that is if she says something.

When time is up, Cassandra released a sighed and look up to met Ariel's curious and wondering eye. Then she thought to herself, Maybe Im just paranoid or overthinking things. Maybe this is just nothing.

After long mental deliberation she just answered plainly. "Nothing. Im just stressed out. Just need some time. Anyway Ill better be get going I have a dinner to attend to." She said then release a light smile.

Ariel look at her for a while before answering. He gave her a light squeeze in the shoulder to give her support. Cassandra mentally grin. She knows that Ariel knows that she's lying and is not ready for a talk yet. Tsk. So inconvenient yet convenient sometime.

"whatever you say Cass. Whatever you say. ."

For all support and encouragement the only thing she could say and mutter is "thanks." and she know it will suffice for now.

Ariel just smile at her more and usher her outside the building until they had to separate their ways.

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