Chapter twenty five -- second day

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Feeling excited, I woke up with a smile. Rest atlast! I said to myself while stretching my lazy limbs. Its been long since Ive slept well.

Time to get up, I tried my best to drag myself away from bed and started preparing myself for the second day of the seminar, last day was odd but fine. After that awkwardness Jem and I become so silent the whole day I could even question if his still there but would confirm it by glancing at him a few times. Yes! Only a few times believe it or believe it. You had no choice. But seriously Jem didn't left my side even after lunch and had been assessing me quietly when we ate our lunch, he acted like a perfect silent gentleman since he handed me  my plate and utensils. He also instructed the caterer what to give to me and what parts. I was ofcourse shocked but flattered knowing that he still remember what I like and dislike on foods but sadly he prefer giving the flirtatious server a smile and an instruction on my food choices rather than talking straight to me making me feel annoyed and confused with his odd behaviour. I even wonder if I look awful since he just throw me usual glances just to check if Im still breathing. But seriously, his silence is a bit defeaning and his awkward checking glances are making me nervous and self concious but other than that the whole day went smoothly good. So good that it makes me wonder if it did really happen.

Anyway moments later, I find myself again as one of the early participants to be at the venue. I checked my time and notice Im just twenty minutes earlier today so without much more to do and people to look up to I found the same seat again from the last and sided corner where I sat yesterday. Then I sank myself and made comfortable and play some app games.

"Aaahh! Lame!" I almost exclaimed as the game went over. Id played it four times already and I can't keep my game longer.

"You should try to steady before launching." A familiar voice said from behind me making me nervous and slowly turn my head. Its him again! I wasn't dreaming.

Smiling coolly, he sit beside me and easily grab my phone. He played it longer than I could maintain and he accelerate to another level in just a minute.

I blinked. Then blinked again. How did he do that?

"Here." He return my phone while Im still trying to process his presence and my new level. Well I just thought that maybe the awkwardness yesterday would you know, make us in silent mode again or make him like yesterday but no, instead he look so fresh and new and friendly.

"Hey. Emme called and ask if your fine and I told her I am your seatmate yesterday and she's very happy were having some bonding time together. Bet she like the idea of the seminar now but she said something about the pamamanhikan. Might change it to a an engagement party instead though traditionally I bet its more appropriate for our families to talk before announcing or hosting a party for the engagement. What do you think?"

"Whatever suits you will be fine for me. Besides when is the wedding supposed to be?

"Uhmm. .were thinking it to be on June."

June brides. I absentmindedly smile, Emme likes to be wed not because June is a wedding month but because its my parents marriage month too. Well, theres a lot of time then.

* * * * *

"Cassandra! And Jeremy!" Sir Santos approached our table with a warm smile. His been our accounting teacher in our Uni days before and years have not change his demeanor and appearance. He still look well groomed and kept though his hair is visibly thinning but his whole friendly face is still the same.

"Sir. ."I stood up and greeted him with a smile of regard as I reach for a handshake.

"Sir." Jem also stood up, formality away, he look like the same man way back then. Smiling and at ease, especially to his most regarded professor.

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