Chapter thirty -- settled

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It was lunch time already and Im still trying to remember what happen last night. It just so blur and dark. I do remember laughing and joking but there was certain thing like how I ended up in my room and the way I act. Surely it mustn't be that bad right?

Time passes, Im still troubled by my behavior last night, breaking away I just find myself already in the parking lot ready to make a grocery alone when I feel that a pair of eyes were looking at me, I look up and saw Jem smiling at me. He was leaning on his car while tucking his hands on his pocket.

"Hey wasted." He teased as he walk while his hands are still tucked, he look so confident in every stode he make closer to me. Then he stopped just a few feet away from me still grinning from ear to ear.

Blushing yet annoyed with his endearment I just try my best to be silent.

"heading home?" He asked still playful while I play deaf.

"Ooh. .so silent treatment again huh?" He sais while trying to think, he smother his non-existent beard while looking at me. Me on the other hand challenged his look and gawk at him with silence.

"Remember the last time you do silent treatment on me and pouty face?"

I tried myself not to panic and to blush more as the memory of the beach suddenly displays in my mind.

Taking a step with his face suddenly serious he said, "I really like doing that everytime you do me silent treatment."

I blushed like a tomato again, my cheeks and ear turns heavy red and to avoid more humiliation I stormed. "Fine! Im talking. .now what?" I really don't understand how he manages to go under my walls and how he make me feel like a different person, his just, ugh! Whatever.

"Good. So I asked you. .are you heading home?"

I just shook my head in response to him.

"what did I say about silent treatment?" His voice were hinting challenge but even if without that I have a huge instinct saying that was just an excuse.

I gulped before answering. Just the thought of him kissing me already sent bolts in my body, a tingling sensation and anticipation that I only felt whenever his near.

"Im not. .Im just going to the grocery." I finally said after finding my voice. Even if the kiss was nice I still haven't forget were we are and how easy rumors will spread.

"okay. .Im coming with you." He said as he walked pass me and open the driver's seat for himself and settle in.

What did just happen? Are we not in the city anymore? And shouldn't he be distancing? I mean Emme---

"Hey!" I look down on him being on the driver seat while he pull down the window. "Are we going or your just going to stare at my handsome face?"

His definetely crazy.

Handsomely crazy. My inner self intervene again but before she could said another word I kicked her butt away from my mind and then roll my eyeballs at Jem. "Going. .You haven't have keys yet!"

"Oh really? And what do you call this?" He said lifting my keys!

"How did yo--?"

"you were spacing out so I took it from your hands. ."He said winking at me.

"You thief!" I stormed then went to the other side slumping myself and look at him accusingly. "And I did not space out!"

"You did." He simply said as he maneuver the car and drive away. Defeated, I just shook my head at him. I don't really get it why he was such in a mood today. His so energetic and nonchallant. Did something weird happen last night? Or was it just my pictured wasted face? I mean did I look that horrible and funny?

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