Chapter Four - - Dinner Date.

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Cassandra went straight home  the moment she took off the building. She believe this is a very serious business to attend to but when she arrive home her sister already left.

Feeling foolish for not minding and reading her phone earlier so she could just have went straight to the resto, Cassandra just slumped herself in the sofa and started moving only when she read her sister's second message. Emme said to get dress and dinner would be at 7 pm. She arched an eyebrow for the word dressing up, but then again she still oblige.

So much for the surprises, she thought as she make her way upstairs and to her room. Cassandra said to herself that she can't predict things but it is not her personality to ridicule someone behind their back, especially her sister so she took an effort besides who knows if Emily just wanted to celebrate because she got promoted or she had something to celebrate whatsoever? Cassandra just hope so.

Well, after an hour and a half of preparing, convince that maybe this is just one of Emily's days to celebrate, Cassandra dress properly, she took a red casual dress that fits her body, though red means celebration, she oversees it and pick it though because she like the color and its style. It wasn't overly formal plus she look so chic about the dress thats why she like it. It has a smooth fabric that was so cool against her skin, it was fitted to her body until the waistline with the small lace that intercepts it, it was just knee length and had a laced back and a small sleeve just an inch or less in her shoulder. She also took effort to give herself a little curl and added a little more make up than her usual doing. She put some eyeliner and mascara and when she's good to go she grab her bag and flew off.

As she drove her car, Cassandra could feel excitement all at once. She could feel her stomach and a million butterflies in it so she institinctly drove faster. She wanted to end this surprise as soon as possible, a decision she might just have regret later.

Cassandra approach the door and took a deep breath chanting to herself that whatever this is all just paranoia and she need to get a grip on herself, after all her sister is smart enough to not make any stupid things or decision.

Right. This must just be another celebration. Just another celebration.

After gathering her courage she took the door and give her confident side show.

"good evening ma'am. .table?" the usherette offers diligently the moment she enters the restaurant.

"ooh no. .ahm. I believe my sister, Ms. Emily Gonzales made a reservation already."

The young woman, probably at twenty two at Cassandra's estimation flipped her handy notes and then smiled at her once again. "yes ma'am. Ms. Gonzales made a reservation,  .this way please." the woman which her nametag says was Jenn, extends an arm to show her the way then step ahead to lead her on their table which is obviously a bit further. Following Jenn's lead Cassandra keep on walking with ease while the former's back blinds her view of what's coming ahead until she suddenly halted and turned to her motioning with her hand their assigned table.

"ma'am. " she said with a smile then slip away. Cassandra followed her movement and mouthed a sweet thank you to the young lady and then look at the table she brought her in.

Cassandra smile as a reflex for greetings but as soon as she laid her eyes on their table, her smile fell.

"ate ..(a-teh)!! " Her dear sister give her a warm hug as a greeting and then let her sit in front of them. Yes, them. Two of them in front of her and the food which is already served is still hot, which she believe arrives a little before she show up. Maybe I should have never show up. She inwardly said.

"I know your surprised but believe me, me too." she giggled then start talking, the guy's name, work, how they met, what happened and etc.

Cassandra wasn't surprise, she was or is SHOCKED! Astonished. Bewildered and not even the slightest amused of what is happening. She can't even find her tongue at the moment. There's so many things she wanted to say and ask but she can  hardly find any of her thoughts.

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