CHAPTER 7/ Unexpected Kidnap

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Shikadai's POV

Ever since I gave Yodo the necklace she started to hide it when she walking outside and Chocho and Sarada started to ask her about the necklace and everytime they asked her that she always started to blush or her face turns red. She would even sometimes try to run away from them and hiding like behind the boxes. And after a few days of her still running away and hiding the necklace I started to look for her " Yodo! Where are you? " I started to walk around the city when I heard a familiar voices, It was Sarada, Boruto, Mitsuki, Chocho, and Inojin they were all discussing something so I decided to sneak around to hear what they were talking about " So they are actually dating? " Sarada said as Boruto still had his jaw opened in shocked " Yep, I totally saw them holding hands! I wonder if they are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. " Chocho said while she munched on her chips " Wow, can't believe Shikadai is actually dating Yodo not that I disagree but it still shocks me. " Inojin said " So what are we gonna do to get them together? " Mitsuki said as he smiled as always " W-Wait, we never said we were going get them on a date-." Boruto said still shocked " All of us planned the secret date you just didn't know Boruto. " Sarada said " But why? " Boruto said " Because you would make a big fuss about it that and we knew that you were going to tell Shikadai even though this is secret! " Sarada punched his head as she looked angry " Ow! Okay fine I won't tell Shikadai this time." Boruto said as he rubbed his injured head, I was a shocked and a bit embarrassed so I murmured to myself " What a drag.." I left quickly before they could know I was eavesdropping on them. 

Yodo's POV    

I kept thinking about that day when me and Shikadai kissed and I was still embarrassed about that one moment but the only thing that calmed me down was the necklace Shikadai gave me it and I cherished it from the bottom of my heart and sweared I protect it I started to roll around my bed and covering my face with my hair and blushing and as soon as I started to scream someone knocked on my apartment door so I got up and opened to soon see shinobi that were not even Konoha ninja barge in my room and started to attack me but before they could land a finger on me I grabbed a kunai to defend myself but instead I got knocked out before I could even do anything " S-Shika..dai.." I woke up to find myself tied up, I tried to break free but it felt like my body couldn't do anything at all so I started to look to find out the shinobi were Grass ninja and three of them " Oh, look she's awake guys. " The grass shinobi said " You better stay quiet and be a good one or we are gonna have to give much more pain got that? " The other grass shinobi said. I was felt so useless that I was captured and I can't even move anymore and I knew I have been out for quite awhile since I was in the forest and as soon as I made it to a unknown they went to a nearby house it smelled like rotten blood, they threw me on the floor and locked the door. And when they were steps away from the house I heard weapons clashing and thuds and suddenly the door opened and Shikadai was there standing " Are you okay troublesome woman? I came to rescue you." Shikadai untied me and helped me get up " T-Thank you, Shikadai.." I was still very weak and could barely stand so Shikadai carried me back to Konoha " Why? " I asked " What do you mean why? I couldn't let my troublesome girlfriend get kidnapped." That made my face turn hot as a pepper " S-Shut up idiot.."  

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