Chapter 2

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I thought he was supposed to be a smart one, Jieun thought as Renjun seemed like he was at a loss for words, frozen.

"Hello?" Jieun said, waving her hand in front of him, making Renjun snap out of it.

"Um. Hi. Renjun." Renjun said, sticking his hand out. Jieun raised an eyebrow as she noticed it was shaking but then remembered Doyoung was there so she shook it.

"Hi." Jieun said as Renjun put his bag down, taking the seat beside her.

"I didn't know you were hiring." Renjun said, seeming to be a human again as he glanced at Doyoung.

"I wasn't, I wouldn't make people stay here late and I'm sure most people avoid Phoenixes." Doyoung answered, making Jieun stiffen as he patted her shoulder. "But Jieun said she didn't really care and desperately needed a job so I had to allow her."

"Yah." Jieun warned, pushing Doyoung's arm off but he just giggled.

"Don't mind her, she's pretty cold at first but she'll warm up, trust me."

"If you say so." Renjun mumbled as he took out a few items from his bag.

Is that... a sketchbook?

"Hey Jieun, why don't I teach you how to handle back here? We can leave the Renjun here, don't worry I trust him." Doyoung suggested.

How dumb, trusting a Phoenix, Jieun thought as she faked a smile, nodding her head as she hopped off the stool, heading towards the kitchen.

As Doyoung explained every part of the diner to her, she couldn't help but want to curse the boys at their stupid plan.


"What do you want?" Jieun asked, staring at the two boys, the look they were giving her making her feel uncomfortable.

"Well, you know your cousin is pretty close to the Phoenixes." Yangyang said. Jieun already had a bad feeling about this. "And he runs a diner where they do to pretty often."

"Be direct." Jieun instructed and Hendery let out a deep sigh.

"If we want to take down the Phoenixes, we need to learn more about them and what they do, how they operate. They're still a big mystery and we're not going to get anywhere like this." Hendery told her.

"Are you people dumb? Doyoung is one of Taeyong's best friends. If I get caught, I'm dead meat." Jieun argued, not liking their plan one bit.

"But you're also Doyoung's cousin and he cares about you. He'll do everything in his power to protect you, so it's a safe bet." Yangyang told her, being serious for once in his life.

Jieun let out a deep breath, hands on her hips. "This is ridiculous, we can't get caught again."

Hendery shook his head, Jieun's words unable to convince him. "This is our only chance, Jieun. Are you in or are you not because if you're not, we're going to have to deal with you."

Jieun bit her lip, not liking how dark Hendery's eyes were getting.

Hendery and Yangyang were part of one of the Phoenixes' rival gangs in China, until they were taken out by the Phoenixes. The two boys had lost their family because of them and were forced to live a difficult life full of struggle, until they found Xiaojun.

Xiaojun had helped them out, giving them financial aid. Xiaojun himself also had problems with the Beijing Phoenixes, but never really told the others what it was.

All that mattered though was that they were on the same side as her, all of them with a common goal.

And that was to destroy the Phoenixes at all costs.

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