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On their return to the pavilion, Rowan smelt blood. She quickened her pace in slight alarm, but when she saw Nico cleaning off his sword, she relaxed.

"Dracaena?" Ethan asked.

Nico nodded. "A pack. They were looking for you."

"Not anymore."

"Rowan!" Billie rushed over to her. "Are you okay?"

After a few days of traveling with the younger girl, Rowan still didn't know how to act around her. Billie's compassion was unmatched by anyone she had met, and although Rowan was sure it was genuine, her kindness set off alarm bells.

Rowan smiled as best she could. It felt more like a grimace. "I'm alright now. Sorry about running off." She grudgingly added.

"It's alright," Will said. He had been giving Ethan a knowing look, and Rowan observed that the tips of Ethan's ears were pink. She decided to ignore it. "Gave me enough time to work out how much ambrosia Death Boy's going to need after he shadow travels us to Hong Kong."

Nico rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to die, Solace. Calm down."

"Look, it's very hard to tell whether you're going to survive an earthquake or fall over just by being blown on."

"Surely not every doctor is this paranoid."

"And I'd like to believe not every patient is as annoying as you are."

"What are we going to do once we get there?" Billie asked, interrupting Nico and Will's squabble.

"Well," Rowan hesitated. "I'm going to check on my family, probably spend quality time catching up, and possibly confront the gods."

"What are you going to ask?" Ethan said.

"If they're sending anyone to deal with the Monkey King."

From the sideways glance Ethan gave her, Rowan knew he understood what was unspoken: 'If not, I'm going to do it myself.'

"Sounds like a typical Tuesday." Nico said. "Let's go."

"Alright, I've got the right amount," Will declared. A small cube rested in the palm of his hand. So that was ambrosia – for its supposedly wondrous healing capabilities, Rowan thought it appeared underwhelming.

"Everyone hold on to someone who's holding onto me," Nico said.

Will put his hand in his, while Billie put her hand on Will's shoulder, and Rowan's on Billie's. The gesture was familiar now that they had done it once at the museum. Ethan was the only one who seemed out of place. Rowan took his hand, and the tips of his ears went even redder. Funny, considering how he hadn't wanted to let go of her before.

"Alright, don't let go." Nico warned.

Vision engulfed by black. Cold creeping into her bones. Darkness pressed down on her ears like water pressure. Rowan's stomach dropped to her feet. She gritted her teeth, felt Ethan squeeze her hand, and then they emerged in a narrow alley, the scent of which made Rowan's eyes water for reasons other than the smoke.

While Billie made a lurching noise, hand pressed against a peeling wall for support, Rowan could barely feel her own nausea. She rushed round the corner of the alley onto the pavement, lips spread into a childlike grin as she stared out at order within chaos.

Neon signs, bustling people, shops selling everything from cheesy tourist souvenirs to authentic vintage clothing. And on the streets, honking cars weaving through looming skyscrapers, glass panels and metal frames flashing in the humid sun. Clean-cut business dealt in 0s and 1s mixed with old-fashioned hawkers with change hung in steel-hooked red plastic bags.

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