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"MOCA," Nico read the bronze letters hanging above glass doors. "This is a museum?"

"It's bigger than it looks." Billie promised.

Rowan, refusing to waste even more time than they already had, marched in. Billie dutifully followed, while Nico and Will lagged behind. Nico swept his gaze over the building again before entering – with its wooden shelves only slightly lighter in color than the furniture in Jim's apartment, it resembled a large commercial bookstore instead of a museum.

They strolled through its doors, cool air conditioning rushing to greet them. Billie was right; it was larger on the inside, or maybe it seemed so because there were only a few clusters of people floating about.

Billie ran to a row of glass cabinets, where cutlery made from fine china was displayed, the white and blue bowls illustrating ancient landscapes. "Woah, there are so many!"

Nico read a plaque nailed next to a bowl larger than his face. "Decorated with vines, a peacock takes center stage. Donated by Miss Rachel Wong. Why a peacock?"

"Its tail with a hundred eyes symbolizes protection." Rowan answered without facing him. Her own eyes were darting from one exhibit to another, trying to find Jim's fan. "These people were on foreign ground miles away from what they knew – they needed all the protection they could get."

"Did it work?"

"For the most part, yes."

"How do you know all this?" Will asked curiously. "Not even we know this much about the Olympians."

Rowan's eyes snapped shut. Nico could see the gears in her braining failing to turn as she tried to take hold of memories she had forgotten. "I don't know."

Will frowned, concerned. He was about to go over to her, when Nico placed a hand on his shoulder and gently shook his head. Rowan needed to be alone. He could feel it.

Will hesitated, but remained by Nico's side nonetheless. They turned to a traditional Chinese painting of a man with a red face, long black beard and jade robes, fiercely glaring down at Nico as if he'd wronged him. The man felt strangely familiar. When Nico saw what was in his hand, he realized why.


The urgency in his voice caught Rowan's attention immediately. She approached where they were standing in front of the painting.


Will pointed. Rowan paled.

The man was holding her Guandao. Not the same kind of weapon – the same one. The same golden dragon winding up the staff, stopping as it roared in the direction of lethal steel. The same crystal jade color. The same silver hook in its blade.

"What's up guys?" Billie jogged over. "Why are you...oh gods."

They stared at the painting. The painting seemed to stare back. Nico was ready for the man to open his mouth and demand what they were looking at.

"Who is he?" Will looked around for a plaque. There was none.

"Guan Yu," Rowan answered hoarsely. "He was a military general. One of the greatest. People began worshipping him, and he was ordained the god of war."

"That's yours," Billie said, eyes glued to the Guandao. "How does he have yours?"

"It's his signature weapon. He designed it. Mine must have been modeled after his." Rowan said. It didn't convince any of them, herself included. "Besides, it's just a painting. It doesn't necessarily mean anything." She tried again.

Rowan → Ethan Nakamura ✔Where stories live. Discover now