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Near the end of the night, Rowan realized that Ethan was missing.

Old Man Ma and Clara were cleaning up the dining table; a rare occurrence that Old Man Ma had grumbled about but ultimately succumbed to his wife's demands that the children be allowed to relax. And so, under orange lamp lights that illuminated the navy blue of night, they sat in a circle between the sofa and the TV, much like the Ma siblings used to do before gods, ghosts and duty. They had been teaching the Greeks an old childhood game, and were pleasantly surprised when they found it was called 'knucklebones' across the world.

"Knucklebones?" Robbie repeated after Will had said it after a demonstration. "Do you guys use actual bones?"

"He does," Will gently nudged Nico, who rolled his eyes. "But I used pebbles when I was little."

"For what it's worth, people used to use sheep's ankle bones." Nico said.

Rachel winced. "That must hurt. These are a lot better." She pointed at the seven small, finger-sized packets full of rice, their multicolored patterns that had faded with age and use.

Nico picked one up, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. "They're softer. Did you buy these?"

"Mom made them for us," Ryan said. "She had to make a lot because we lost them a lot."

"You mean Rachel gambled them all when she was in third grade." Robbie snickered.

Rachel made a move to smack Robbie behind the head, and Robbie twisted to dodge the hit that never came. Now it was Rachel's turn to snicker as Robbie glared at her.

"I'll actually hit you next time."

"No fighting," Rowan commanded, playing the part of the authoritative big sister. "Now..."

It was here, looking around at the others to ensure they were paying attention or keeping the peace, that Rowan noticed the boy with an eyepatch the same color as his hair was not among the faces she scanned.

Nico raised an eyebrow. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I just have something to do really quick." Rowan stood up. She tossed the rice pouch she held into Rachel's hand. "You guys start without me. Ryan's the best at this anyway."

Ryan beamed with pride at the compliment. Most of the others returned to the game, but Rowan saw Will and Nico's inquisitive yet understanding looks. Rowan nodded, confirming she was going to find Ethan. Nico's slight nod in return and Will's smile gave Rowan a solemn confidence she never knew she needed; emboldened, she knew where Ethan would be.

A dark silhouette against the moon atop the leaves came into focus as Rowan approached. The same tree she had climbed countless times, a companion beside her as they defied the Adults' orders to stay out of harm's way, determined to find solace amidst the stars. The same tree she continued to journey upwards alone, finding it easier each year as she grew older despite the never-easing heaviness in her chest. The same tree she had seen in her dreams, where the figure she currently saw asked to be brought home, only to find that the home he had envisioned no longer opened its doors to welcome him.

Rowan's ascent was easier than she remembered. She jumped from one branch to another almost weightlessly, her feet automatically finding nooks in the bark and her hands barely touching the leaves before she emerged at the top.

"You're predictable."

"Balance is predictable." Ethan said. He didn't turn to her as she took her place beside him. Their familiar branch was more crooked than she remembered. "People are not."

Rowan stared up at the apartment complex on her left. She could see the light of her apartment from here, and thought she could see the faint flickering shadows of her friends and family. "Neither are gods, as we've discovered."

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