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Rowan sat by the Big House's fireplace, her hair in wet strands. She slowly sipped from a mug of hot chocolate Chiron had given her, watching all of them inquisitively. Her gaze bounced from one thing to another, snapping to whatever moved. It was unnerving, and her silence only made it more so.

"You don't remember why you almost drowned?" Chiron asked in a low voice, four legs folded beneath him so that he was level to her.

She shook her head. After pointing out that the Camp Director was indeed a horse, she hadn't said much else. Campers had stared as she passed, jade staff-blade by her side. Although they whispered amongst themselves, one look from Chiron warned them not to approach.

"I don't think she remembers fighting me either." Nico observed. Rowan glanced up at him, her gaze curious.

"The weapon," Chiron gestured. She was still holding it by her side, unwilling to let go. "Where did you acquire it?"

"The Guandao has always been mine." Her voice was low, still raspy from sea salt.

Will frowned. "What did she say?"

"Guandao," Chiron repeated. "It's an ancient Chinese weapon, most notably used by their god of war."

"So she's Ares's kid." Nico said decisively.

"Perhaps." Although the centaur didn't seem too convinced himself. He turned back to Rowan. "You said you grew up here – you know where we are?"

"Hong Kong."

She was met with blank stares from all four. Rowan's brows furrowed.

"This is Long Island." Chiron said slowly.

Rowan gave no response.

"New York." Nico clarified. "We're in New York, USA."

At that, the color that fire and chocolate had returned to her face drained away. Her lips parted, but no sound came out.

"Oh Gods," Billie said sympathetically. "She's so far from home."

Nico turned to her. "You ever been back?"

Billie shook her head. "No, not since I was three, but I know English is commonly used over there; no wonder she thought she was still in the city."

"Do you have a family?" Nico asked Rowan, who looked offended. He shrugged. "Hey, I was just asking."

Will sighed. "You have horrible people skills."

"It was a fair question!"

"You remember your family, then." Chiron said to Rowan, ignoring Will and Nico.

Her eyes widened as a thought came to her. "My dad - "

"Dad?" Will cut in. "Biological?"

Rowan looked at him like he was crazy. Then she turned to Chiron. "What is this place?"

"This is Camp Half-Blood," Chiron said soothingly. "Everyone here is a demigod. They have a godly parent and a mortal one. Nico, over here," he pointed. Nico returned Rowan's stare. "Is the son of Hades, god of the Underworld, the dead and riches.

"Will," And Will gave her a cheery wave. "Is the son of Apollo, god of the sun, medicine and music, to name a few.

"Billie" – She smiled warmly – "is the daughter of Demeter, goddess of the harvest, grain and fertility."

Rowan stared. "Greek." She said simply.

"Yes, our gods are Greek." Chiron confirmed.

"But they're not real."

Rowan → Ethan Nakamura ✔Where stories live. Discover now