Chapter one

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fanart credit to the owner

? : Wake up you bastard!! You'll be late!!

? : (groans... covering his ears with the pillow and pulled the warm blanket all over his body...)

? : KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG!! WAKE UP!! (Pulled away all pillows and blanket from the younger one...)

Tae: (groans) let me sleep Jinnie noona... (Tried to pull back the blanket)

Jinnie: KIM TAEHYUNG YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!! YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR FUCK SAKE!! (Twist the boy's ears waking him up...)

Tae: AAAA!!!! Noona! It's hurt! It's hurt!! Stop it!! (The elder let go of his ears...) there's no need to pulled off my ears... (Rubbing it while trying to pouts cutely)

Jinnie: so what!? Will you wake up if I didn't!? Stop with that ugly face and get off from here!!

Tae: (dramatically gasping) how dare you say that to your handsome and cute brother...

Jinnie: (makes a disgusting face) now go have your bath and come down for breakfast... I'll make your bed... shoo shoo!! (Push away the sleepy boy)

Tae: (groaning) ok okay! I'll go... (Walking towards the bathroom for his morning routine...)

Jinnie: (softly smile... she makes the bed and left for kitchen...)


Tae: (he came down and saw Namjoon in the dining table...) hey hyung! Off for work? (Sitting across the elder...)

Joon: yea... how about you... exited...?

Tae: exited...? (Hold a bored face) why should...? Just a new school and me in my last year though... nothing special...

Joon: (shrugged his shoulder) who knows you might find your true love there... (Teasing the younger)

Tae: (rolled his eyes) such a waste of time... (Taking a sandwich and have a bite)

Joon: (sigh) it's important for your future Tae...

Tae: (shrugged it off... finished the last bite from the sandwich and drank his strawberry milkshakes...) I'm off hyung... (Took his keys from his side) I'm off noona!!

Jinnie: (from the kitchen) Nae! Nae! Love you!

Tae: love you guys too! (Goes towards his motorbike and drove off to school...)


Tae: (he took his helmet off... and notices some off the students drooling over him... rolled his eyes for such attentions he got... he just walks in the school hallway towards the principal's office... and felt nothing but annoyed by all eyes drooling on him...)

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