Chapter three

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Tae: (he still shock by the girl's beauty... but he pushed it away first and left the class to the cafeteria...)

He spot Jiminie and her boyfriends in one table and go there...

Jiminie: Yah Kim Taehyung! You look very terrified...?! What happen?

Tae: n-nothing... (Left the table for his food)

After some chit chatting while eating, the bell rang... all of them left for their next class...

Tae: (he sit on his spot, he doesn't know why but waiting for the accidentally revealed face girl... after some more minutes the said girl came in with her head lowed in her big hoodie and hesitantly sit beside him... he tried not to look at the girl for her comfortableness and concentrate to the class as the teacher came in...)

He sometimes glances at her 'just' to know what does she doing... he only saw the girl sketching over something like every time... and it makes him more curious... the bell rang after some more hours...

Tae: (the others already left the class and so the girl but he grabbed her arms just in time)

Soonie: (stop on her track, feeling a bit nervous by the sudden changes of atmosphere...) w-what a-are you d-doing...? (Didn't face the male)

Tae: Soonie... right? (he can't help but to day dreaming the soothing yet little voice)

Soonie: j-just let me go and leave me...

Tae: c-can I... be your friend...

Soonie: no you can't...! Now leave me... (Tried to be cold)

Tae: Soonie... I just wanna be your friend...

Soonie: no! (Look at the taller male) there's no one who wants me as their friend! Including you! So let me go and leave me! (Tears brimming)

Tae: (he let her go when he saw those tears with guilt in his heart... she left right after that... sigh) I had to work harder... I don't know why... but I want to know you... Jungsoonie...


Soonie: (she went back home while trying not to spill more tears, but... what have she done to deserve all these...) w-what are you doing here... (Fear, she only holds so much fears every time)

? : You know... dad and mom went to the apartment for your siblings... leave me with you to take care of... (Smirk) so let's go and let me take care of you... baby girl... (Going towards her)

Soonie: (holding her bags tightly, tears falling... fears... back away from the younger male) n-no please... p-please H-Hoosyin... stop... (Sobbing) (she keep on back away but the wall make her stop... and the male trap her... she tried to pushed to younger but it was no used when the younger was bigger than her... she cried, tried to screamed, run away... but she can't... she was weak...)

The male was touching, marking her... but she can't do anything... her hands were pinned to the wall and all she could do was cried... hoping that someone will stop all this nightmare and save her... but no...

not until...

Hoosyin: arh! (His grip on the girl loosens and falls to the ground)

? : WHO ARE YOU TO TOUCH HER?!! (Keep on punching the other and the male run away)

Soonie: (widened her eyes...) T-Tae...

Tae: (run towards her, tried to lift her but sense the sudden flinch by her) hey hey... I'm not going to hurt you okay... (His voice softens) trust me...

Soonie: (her body's shaking... she doesn't think straight and hug the taller male while crying hardly...)

Tae: (he was shocked at first but let Soonie hug him... and after sometimes the cries finally stop, he look at the girl just to find out she pass out...)


Soonie: (she woke up when she felt herself on a bed... sit up while rubbing her eyes cutely... didn't notice the other presence...)

? : Omo! She's cute!! (Squealing)

Soonie: (open her eyes right after widely with fears... taking the blanket that wrapping her body and hide herself in it...)

? : Jinnie you scared her!

Jinnie: (pout) she's so cute, I can't help it... (She goes towards the shaking younger) hey sweetie... its okay... don't be afraid... there's no one will hurt you here... (Tried to convince her, pull the blanket a little)

Soonie: (she looks at the other, tried to calm herself... and saw the other presence none other than Tae himself) w-where am I...?

Tae: aaa... (Scratching his nape) you're in my house...

Jinnie: (glaring at him)

Tae: (gulping) I-I mean my sister's...

Soonie: w-why...?

Tae: you pass out earlier... I didn't have the heart to leave you there alone...

Soonie: (the memories came in her mind... eyes brimming with tears, sniffling)

Jinnie: hey baby what's wrong...? (Panic)

Soonie: (hugged Jinnie tightly... wetting her shirt... she lifts her head, look at Jinnie then at Tae...)

Jinnie: (she hugged the younger, and looks at Tae, motioning him to leave)

Tae: (a bit sad, but still leave the two alone)

Jinnie: (lift the younger by her chin) what happened sweetheart..? You have right to tell me or not yet, you can call me Jinnie okay... (Concern)

Soonie: y-you no hate S-Soonie right...? (Tears threatening to fall)

Jinnie: (frown) why should Jinnie hate you baby...? Soonie's good girls... tell me baby... what happened to you hmm?

Soonie: (she kept on silent)

Jinnie: (sigh but still smiling) its okay... I'll always be here if you need to talk with me okay... I've prepared dinner downstairs... go and freshen up first, and I'll leave you some clothes here for you... you can use anything and the towel which is in the bathroom... (Smile a bit) you can live here for this night first, and tell your parents... I'll be in downstairs... please have dinner with us okay baby... don't worry, no one will harm you here... (Kiss her forehead softly) go and takes a bath... (She was about to stand up but Soonie hold her shirt)

Soonie: t-thank you... u-unnie... (Tried hard to smile and not to spill tears at the older)

Jinnie: awe... you cutie, you're welcome sweetheart... (Caressing her head softly and leave the room)

Soonie: (smiled a bit, and the single tear fall to her cheeks... wiped it away) u-unnie... (She get up from the bed and walks towards the bathroom...) 

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