Chapter four

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After having a quick bath, she went down shyly yet scared a bit... she calm down a little when Jinnie approached her softly... "Awe baby you're very cute" Jinnie pinch her cheeks lovely and dragged her to the kitchen preparing the table for dinner...

Tae came to the dining room after take a bath himself and stop on the midway when he saw the most beautiful angel in front of him... busy on drooling which he forgot to breathe and blink away his tortured eyes... until... 

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!" not only him but Soonie also flinch from the sudden scream... "Forgive me for yell out loud baby" Look at Soonie then at Tae "what are you doing there like a statue?! Come here and eat!"

"y-yes Jinnie" Tae sat down on his usual chair try not to stare at the girl who sat across him...

"I'll call Joonie for awhile" Jinnie left the two in the awkward silence... it was, until the girl decides to break it "t-thank you" Tae lift his head towards the shy girl...

"For what?"

"f-for... saving me earlier... a-and... I-I'm sorry for rejected you as my f-friend..." fiddling with her finger... the male smile reassuringly while saying

"It's okay... I'm sorry I pushed you earlier... (Frown when he thought about earlier) who is he? How did he enter your house..." he saw the girl felt hesitate to tell him or not... sighed "okay... I won't push you to share it with me... just want you to know... I'd never harm you... you can share it with Jinnie, you seem comfort with her more..." then Jinnie came with her husband to the dining room...

"Sorry that we're a bit late" the couple set themselves on their chair which is Joon beside Tae and Jinnie beside Soonie...

They finish their dinner in a good awkward silence... without anyone's talk... and Soonie decide that she had to go home... "Unnie? I think I need to go back"

Jinnie look at her with a concern look with reassuringly smile... sighed "will you promise to come and visit me later baby...?"

"Y-yea..." Jinnie engulf Soonie in her warm hugs... 

"Just keep in mind baby... I'll always be here with you... I may only meet you once... but I'm sure I love you as my baby sister already..."

Soonie smiled by her statements... finally, she can felt the love that she longing for so long... "Thank you unnie... I'll miss you... I promise I'll meet you first if something happen... I love you too..."

Jinnie break the hugged and said "I'll never let you walk alone in night you know... I'll let Tae send you..."

"W-why I can't-" the older cut her off...

"because its night baby... it's not safe for you to walk alone..." 

Soonie hesitantly nods her head "o-okay" Jinnie called Tae and make him send Soonie back to her house...

On the way home...

"H-how did you know my house...?"

"Err... (Scratching his nape) I didn't know that it was your house... and I didn't know my house were near with yours... I was on my way home when I heard some screams and decide to check on it... that's when I know it was you..."


"Umm... will you-" the girl cut him off

"y-you... not gonna push me... as your friend right...?" looking at the male with her cute doe eyes and the cute pout on the lips...

Tae wants nothing but to kiss those pouty lips but decide to leave it and cooed at the innocent pretty girl... "Of course... (Smiled his boxy smile) I would never push you away..."

The girl tried to hide her blushing cheeks by lowed her head... (In mind) "Why should I blush over that boxy smile...?"

"So... will you let me be your friend...? Soonie-shi...?"

Smiled shyly... still facing the ground... "I-I think so"

The male frown "what-"

"w-we're here! (facing the taller male) t-thank you for send me home (bowing) b-bye!" running cutely inside the house...

Tae smiled by the girl's behavior... "Cutie... I hope we can be more than just friend" he knew he might be greedy... he can help but to kept Jinnie's word in his mind cause he knew he already fall for the girl... "See you tomorrow... my cute mystery girl..." he said the unspoken word while smiling widely and left to his house...


She went inside the house and met her mom in the living room...

"My baby already had a boyfriend...!" teasing her daughter

"O-oh mama! W-where is papa?!" changing the topic...

"Of course he's at the apartment... tell me baby... what's his name..." smiled teasingly

"w-who?! I-I didn't know what are you talking about! (Look at her wrist watch) I-I need to go! I still had some homework! B-bye!" runs upstairs to her room feeling embarrassed...

On the other side with Mrs. Jeon... "I hope he can changes you sweetheart..." smiling sweetly...

Ann: I'm sorry that I took some days to publish this chapter... I'm very busy with my online classes and busy reading others stories and forgot my own story... :p 

"forgives me!" 

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