Chapter six

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*Tomorrow comes*

Soonie woke up and doing her morning routine with a little smile... she look at the self mirror still smiling... she slowly touch her kissed cheeks while remembering the boxy smiled male... "Why did I feel like this...?"

She gone downstairs and treat her mom with a lovable hugs from behind... "Morning mama" those cheerful voices make the woman turn towards her daughter with hopes in her eyes... caressing her cheeks softly while smiling widely... "Morning baby... have some breakfast?" "Okie mama"

The two set themselves on the dining room for breakfast... "umm... mama... this pancakes are the best..." praising her mom with eyes close feeling the soft yet sweet pancakes... while her mom was staring lovingly at her daughter from earlier and keep repeating same sentence in her mind... "That boy really changes my baby..."

"Bye mama! I love you..." she went to school but frown when she didn't saw the handsome male but shrugged the thoughts away and straight to her locker... she was about to open the locker, but someone push her to the locker and spinning her around make the little body frame face them but still not seeing her face...

"Yah! Face me you bitch!!" the taller girl was about to grab Soonie's chin but the little girl quickly pushes those hand away defending herself... "Looks like you're just a lonely ugly slut for Taehyung don't you... who ever had the guts to be friend with some mystery girl like you... I bet you're really a bitch with ugly faces-" she couldn't finish her sentences when someone pushed the taller away from the little one... "You better shut your own filthy mouth bitch!! Never come near her again or I'll tell the principal about this bullying!!"

The taller scoff and said "its not like you never told your father about this Mrs. Park..." she smirk "maybe yes, and maybe no... so you guys better fuck off before I told him and you guys being thrown out from school!!" they just scoff and walks away...

"Hey, Soonie right?! Are you okay? This is me Jiminie... did they hurts you?" the taller kept on asking... (Yeah Jiminie is taller) "I-I'm fine... t-thanks" out of all the sudden, the handsome male came towards them... "Jungsoonie! Are you okay?!" he holds her shoulder and makes her face him while he covered her face with his cap but suddenly heard a gasp from the side... "S-Soonie-shi..." she was stunned by her beauty... and tried to touch her cheeks but stop when she felt the girl fears... "No no I'm not gonna hurt you... you're just a beauty that I felt like keeping you away from here... I'm sorry..."

"I-its okay... I'm just... a-afraid you won't like me..." lowed her head again... "No... I really like you!" she said but felt a weird stare from the taller male beside them and look at the male... "You dumbass! Of course as a friend!" and the male just shrugged... "You know Soonie... I really want to be friend with you... can we...?" "o-of course" smiled a little... "Awe... you cutie..." pat her head softly... "Yeah yeah... I think we need to leave for class right now..." the male said but got a glare from Jiminie...

They all left to class and the teacher came after them... the class went good and Jiminie had asked Soonie to join them for lunch and she hesitantly agreed with them... being the shy girl she is... just eat while hearing their conversations...

"Hey Jiminie... who you got there...? New friend?" "Ouh... umm this is... Soonie... Jungsoonie... (Look at Soonie who were quite from earlier...) Soonie... umm, these are my boyfriends... Hoseok and Yoongi..." and suddenly Hoseok spoke up... "Ouh! So, you are Jungsoonie... my name's Hoseok... we understand if you didn't feel comforted around us... we are good people... we hope that we can make you more comfort with us and maybe everyone..." "Y-yeah... I'm sorry..." and Yoongi said "no it's okay... I think we should finish our lunch right..."

They eats until the bell rang... and makes their way towards the class... with Tae's hand around the girl's shoulder which the girl seems comfort with it...


It's already months and it seems like Jiminie and Soonie are good friends now... but her presence still mystery in school with the help of face mask [corona]... [Imagine it... I dunno if it's even possible] Tae often takes Soonie and Jiminie to his house meeting Jinnie... and he's very glad that Soonie are happy... he would always steal glances at Soonie who would always smile and laughs while mumbles 'beautiful'...

And now!! ... our Kim Taehyung were fighting with his own mind how to make the pretty girl his girlfriend or maybe more than girlfriend... but no... he know it's too early for marriage and they need to take it slow... now he was still stressed out with the help of Hoseok and Yoongi... well it seems like only Hoseok while Yoongi were sleeping on the table in the empty classroom...

"Yoongi-ah!! Don't you dare to just sleep and help me with this fucking Kim!!" and the sleepy male open his eyes a little still sleepy then called... "Kim Taehyung" the said male look at him "come here" he motioning the male stand near him and the male just follow desperately... "Yes hyung"

Yoongi take a book and read it... "You love her right..." said it expressionless while reading the book in his hand fixing his glasses... while Hoseok who stand in the distance just face palming knowing what's going to happen next... "o-of course I do love her- OUCH!!" "IF YOU LOVE HER! THEN JUST STOP STRESSING YOURSELF AND ASK HER FOR A DATE THIS NIGHT!! BE KIM TAEHYUNG AND NOT SOMEONE ELSE!!"

Tae was mentality cry from the hard hit by Yoongi with the help of 1 inch thick hard book while caressing his head and nodding from what Yoongi just said or yell at him... "DO YOU HEAR ME!?" "Y-yes hyung..." "Good... now go and don't disturb my sleep..." he lay on the table while hugging the book in his embrace...

Hoseok came and patting Tae's shoulder... "Sleepy asshole" "its okay hyung... (Still caressing his head) I need to go to Soonie..." "You sure you okay Taehyung??" "Y-yeah yeah... bye..."

Tae went to search for the girl... "She must be with Jiminie..." he was walking through the hallway still hissing from the pain... "I wondered which book he read to be that smart... should I take the book from him... no I don't want to get hit more..."

He were busy nagging with himself didn't notice the dreamy girl in front of him... tilting her head cutely looking at the male... "Taehyungie..." Tae was out from nagging himself conversations and stare at the girl... "Huh?" it takes him at least 2 minutes to recognized who was standing before him... "J-J... J-Jungsoonie! (Panicking) I-I... w-will you... umm... m-me... t-this night... d-date!"

Soonie exe kinda lost... "Huh?" of course with those big doe eyes "I-I mean! Umm!" it's time for body's itching attack and it makes the girl giggles cutely... "Calm down Taehyungie..." she softly rubbed the male's arm which really calms the taller male... "What did you said? You... and me... have a date this night? Ouh..." she repeats the sentences in her head not releasing what it means... "W-wait what...!? Y-you... m-me... d-date!" 

Ann: this is mess... sowwy...

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