Chapter two

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Ann: I... I'm craving for comments... please leave me with comments...



? : (step in the house with the same expression as always... but)

? : Baby Soonie...

Soonie: (lift her head with a tear that threatening to falling...) p-papa...! (run towards her dad... hugs him tightly)S-Soonie... missed you...

Mr. Jeon: (smiled bitterly) papa miss baby too...

Soonie: w-where is oppa? U-unnie?

Mr. Jeon: (he felt guilty towards his daughter) t-they said sorry to you baby...

Mrs. Jeon: (tears building in her eyes)

Soonie: B-but... they should meet me right...?! you always came here without them...(Her face wet with tears)

Mrs. Jeon: baby... (Wipes her daughter precious tears...) t-they will come soon for Soonie okay...

Soonie: w-why they hate Soonie...? (Sobbing)

Mr. Jeon: n-no baby... t-they never hate you...

Soonie: no! t-they hate Soonie... Soonie is bad... (Crying hardly... she runs upstairs towards her room...)

Mrs. Jeon: (sobbing hardly) why...?! Why my children too!?

Mr. Jeon: (engulf her in his warm embrace... also sobbing)


Soonie: (she laid herself on the bed with no feelings written on her face... slowly close her eyes)


5 y/o Soonie: oppa! Unnie! Don't leave Soonie please! (Crying hardly in her mom's hold)

8 y/o Yoonie: shut up you brat!

Mr. Jeon: Yoonie!

10 y/o Woon: why did you guys love her so much?! She is a brat!


Woon: (holding his left stinging cheeks)

Soonie: (widened her eyes) oppa! (Let go of her mother's hold, run towards her brother) oppa... a-are you okay...? (Tried to touch his cheeks)

Woon: urh! (Pushed her away) this is all your faults! (Stomping his feet get in the car)

Soonie: no oppa don't leave me! (Still crying)

Mr. Jeon: (lift her little frame on his hip, hugging her tightly... kissing her forehead with a big guilt) don't cry baby... we will come to you soon, okay...

Soonie: (hiccuping) y-you will...? (look at her father with hopes)

Mrs. Jeon: yes baby... (taking Soonie from her husband)

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