Chapter eight

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"The truth"

Morning comes...

Tae woke up first and he notice that his baby was shivering... he touch her arm that felt so hot...

“Oh my!? Baby you're burning!” He notice that Soonie was awake... But she's to weak to even move and open her eyes... “Wait a minute baby! I will come back!”

He jump out the bed and went towards Mrs. Jeon's room calling her...

“What happens Taehyungie dear...?” Ask while rubbing her eyes feeling sleepy...

“Mama! Soonie is sick! She had a fever!”

Mrs. Jeon eyes wide open when she heard that... She quickly went to the kitchen for some medicine and went straight away to Soonie's room... Saw that Tae's making her sit

“Baby...” She softly call her... “Please have some medicine my dear...” She said softly but Soonie wasn't having any of it as she weakly shakes her head as a no...

“baby... you need to eat those medicines... how can I take you for a date if you didn't take them...?” She look at Tae weakly...

“B-but... S-soonie... n-no wanna...” she tried to said it while having a big headache but still didn't like to take those medicine...

“I thought about cuddles with you but you're sick... I can't let myself get sick to take care of you... so... if you wants to cuddles... you had to take the medicine and rest for a bit okay?”

He tried to comfort her taking the medicine... Soonie just sighed weakly and decide to take them and have a little rest as she know the
pills also will make her sleepy... she take the pills from her mom and swallowed it with some waters... Tae then make her laid again softly on the bed...

“Good girl...” Kiss her forehead... “Rest well”

They left the room when the little baby already went to Dreamland...

“Im glade that she listen to you Taehyung... She would never take the medicine when I told her to...”

“it's no big deal mama... umm...” he look at his wrist watch... “mama... i think I need to go home... i promise I'll come again cause I had so many things to ask you... I'm just gonna
change then I'll come after having breakfast...”

Mrs. Jeon just smiles warmly and said... “ its okay... I'm sure Soonie's not gonna wake up anytime soon...”

“Thanks mama... bye!” Tae left the house...

1 hour and 30 minutes later...

“what is it you wanna know dear??” Mrs. Jeon ask Taehyung who's sitting across her in the living room...

“mmm... *Fiddling with his fingers* mama...? What really makes Soonie felt insecured?”

A long sigh left Mrs. Jeon's lips... She looks at Tae...

“you really love Soonie right... Tae...?”

“yes mama”

“s-she never wants all this...” sadly let it out...

Flashback... [4 years old Soonie]

“yah!! Watch where you're going bitch!!” 9 years old Jungwoon said to his 4 years old little sister...

“o-opp-pa...? Watc ish-”

“just shut up!! No one wants to hear your ugly voices!!” said the 7 years old Jungyoon...

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