Chapter nine

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"Soonie... I love you... I promise that I'll take care of you... You'll be free again... No more fears... No more mean words... No more painful past to remember... Only you, me and the future... *Kiss her forehead* I love you..."

Suddenly the girl wake up from her sleep... "Tae-t-tae..."

"Yes baby..." He check the girl's temperature but she still burning...

"Taetae... Soonie lwoves you... Please don't leave mwe..." Tears falling to his cheeks...

"Baby why did you cry hun...? Tae's not going to leave Soonie okay... I love you too..." He said while caressing the girl's face and kiss her cheeks softly...

"Wait for me hun... I need to bring your lunch... stay here okay... Don't go anywhere..." Kiss her forehead then left the room...

In a whole week... Tae never leave her side... Until she recovers...

Time skip... [2 weeks later] [I don't know what to write...]

"Baby you sure about this...?" Tae looks at Soonie with concern...

"You'll be there for me right?" Smiling...

The taller male smile... "Okay ok... Let's go shall we... Princess...?"

"Yes... My handsome knight..." She smiled widely...

"Bye baby... I love you..."

"I love you too mama" Soonie kiss her mama's cheeks lovely then waving her while walking to Tae's car...

Time skip... [School]

They reach school and park the car... but... all eyes glued on them when the two step out from the car... or should I say... their eyes glued on Soonie...

She smiled a bit... Tae takes her hands and they walk in the school buildings... everywhere they steps... People will suddenly stop their conversation and drooling over her...

Some will only drool... Some whispering something like... "Who is she?" "Wow... She's beautiful..." "Who is that with Taehyung...?" "Are they couple?" "Awee... They're cute together..." All those compliment makes Soonie gone red, and Tae just smiled also drooling over his baby...

Not only students but also teachers... "Mr. Park... Do we had new student today?" "I don't know Sir choi"

The two walk to their class... Skipping happily together...

They step inside and all attentions still on the one person... and out of nowhere...

"Jungsoonie baby!!" A girl yelled out loud making all students gasp unbelievably...

"Jiminie!!" They hugs each others like there's no tomorrow...

"Jiminie!!" They hugs each others like there's no tomorrow

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Oh my god!! My baby is very beautiful!!" Pinching her chubby cheeks making the girl let out cute noises

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Oh my god!! My baby is very beautiful!!" Pinching her chubby cheeks making the girl let out cute noises...

[Ann: yeah i forget to tell you that Jiminie is 19 while Taesoon are 18... I changed it...]

"Unnie!! You hwurt mwe!!" She said cutely making the others coo at her cuteness...

"I'm sowwy baby... you're just too cute to let go..." Jiminie smiled widely feeling proud of her little baby...

"Okay enough..." A deep voices interrupt their friendly moments...

"Are you jealous Kim Taehyung...?" Jiminie ask smirking...

"Why should I jealous!"

"Awe... Come on Taetae... We're only friends... Let's go..." Soonie take the male's hand pull him to their seats while the other one still glaring at Jiminie...

"I love you only Taetae!!" Soonie kiss the male's cheeks lovely... But it still makes the male pouting... And she playfully rolled her eyes... She tiptoeing and peck the taller male's lips but Tae lift her up and kiss her deeply... all the students including the teachers cooed with them being lovey dovey couple...

And they can't tell how much they're happy that no one was against them...

"I love you bun..." Peck her lips...

"I love you too Tae bear..."

Ann: wow... This is short... 1 more episode to go!!

(~‾▿‾)~ ANNyeong~~~

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