1.3 Muke

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   "Michael.. Don't leave me,  it didn't mean anything!" Luke cried as he tried to stop Michael, as he tried to pull his pants back on. Michael ignored him, and kept walking, as fast as he could. "Michae-" Luke pulled Michael's arm, and turned him around, only to stop, as he saw the pastel boy's tear stained face.

   "If it didn't mean anything, why did you do it?" Michael seethed. "I trusted you Luke. I loved you. I fucking stopped.. for you."  Michael's voice cracked, as he pulled his arm from Luke's grip, and ran away from his house.

   Luke just stood there in his house shirtless, as he was shocked of what had happened. He took Michael for granted, and betrayed him. And now, he lost him... All he could do now, was kick the groupie out of the house, as he cried the night alone.


[months prior]

  Michael sat in the sidewalk, as he begged for money. His damp silver hair, covering majority of his face,  hiding the bags under his eyes. He weakly begged, as his stomach grumbled. He was hungry. But, he didn't have enough money.

   His father kicked him out, because Michael told him he was gay. Apparently, to his father, a gay son of his, is no son at all. So, Michael's dad shoved him out of the house, that very day, with only the clothes on his back, and was sent to live in the streets. with only a few bucks, and his phone, which was probably dead by now.

   Michael decided that he would stay in the streets for a while, before going back home, and getting some of his personal belongings. Especially the money he saved up, which was snuggly hid under his bed. Behind his stuffed animal, Daniel, the lion.

   Michael was broken from his train of thought, when a dark shadow covered the dim street light above him. Michael slowly looked up, and saw a boy. He was covered in tattoos, and had a lip piercing, cartilages, and stretchers. It was evident that he was wearing eye liner, and he was obviously in bad mood.

   "For the poor?" Michael weakly asked, as he brought his hand out, as he begged. The blonde boy scoffed, as he smacked Michael's hand away from him. "Bullshit. The poor my ass. You look like an average sissy boy. Not some fucking pauper. You're probably going to buy some shit hair dye, aren't you?"  The blond bullied the silver haired boy, and Michael felt tears pricking his eyes.

   Not because of some of the harsh words, but the fact that he called him a sissy boy. and now, his hand hurt. The blond hit fucking hard. "B-But, i-i am a p-pauper." Michael whimpered. "What, is sissy boy, gonna cry to his mommy now?"  The blond teased. Michael's tears then escaped his eyelids. Because, he had no mother to cry too.

   "Sir, please stop.." Michael begged, his voice evident that he was crying. The blond stepped back, and as soon as he heard the shutters of a camera, he grabbed the silver haired boy, by his hand, and he whispered, "Walk with me, or you'll regret it."

   Michael didn't know what to do, but obey. He didn't say anything but nod. So, Michael and the blond walked together, well fast walked, away from the paparazzi. The blond turned around, and noticed there was a van full of them.

   "Shit." The Blond said to himself. He looked around, and saw an old diner. He looked across the road, and they ran to the diner. They walked in briskly, and the blond ducked down in the menu, before saying,"Pick something to eat. I'll pay for it." Michael was confused, but reluctantly picked something.

   "Hello, my name is Leo. May i take your order?" Michael looked up and saw a boy wearing a blink 182, his favorite band, tee, and was holding a notepad. He was rather cute, Michael thought. "yes please. I-I'll have the toasties  and eggs, with water." Michael stuttered. "And you sir?" Leo asked, as he finished writing Michael's order. "Whatever he's having." Blondie grumbled.

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