0.4 Ashton

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"I can't believe it." My supposedly 'friend' scoffed. "What now?" I groaned. "Really, you should know about this. There's a new student coming today." She said, as she rolled her eyes. "Well sorry, i was focused on something more important." I said as i walked away from her. I walked to my locker, only to see some boy, being shoved to it. "So, you're the new kid." Damien, the school jock, laughed, as he shoved the new student to my locker. He fell back down, and i saw his nose bleeding, and his glasses cracked, and i instantly felt guilty. 

"Damien! Knock it off!" I yelled out, as i help out the new kid up. "Really (Y/N), you're helping out this nerd?" Damien scoffed, as his minions laughed behind him. "Go pick on someone your own size, you fucking cock." I sneered, as i walked away with the new kid. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, thanks." He muttered. "Sorry about them. They're too jacked up on steroids,and testoerones." I said, as i tried making a funny. I didn't expect him to laugh, but he did. It wasn't much of a laugh, more like a giggle. "Here, let's clean you up." I said, as i took my handkerchief out, and dabbed his bloody nose. He winced, once my handkerchief came in contact, and i immediately apologized. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. i didn't mean too!" He gave me small smile, and took the handkerchief from my hands. 

"It's okay. Thanks for standing up for me. My name's Ashton. Ashton Irwin." "Hello Ashton Irwin. My name is (Y/FN). (Y/FN) (Y/LN). And, it is the first bell right now. We should get you to class.' I said, as i walked with him. 



"You seriously hung out with that nerd?" (GYHN) sneered. "Yes, (GYHN) i did. Y'know what? I'll go hang out with him, right now." I said sweetly, as i walked away with a fake smile, but it was replaced with a smirk, when i walked over to Ashton's table. "Hey Ash." I said, as i sat down next to him. "(y/n). W-What are you doing here?" He stuttered, obviously, still shocked, since this morning. "Y'know, hanging out. With my best mate." I said as i playfully punched his shoulder. "Who said i was your best mate?" He smirked. 

"Ouch! Ashton Irwin, i am hurt!" I said, as i clutched onto my heart, pretending to cry, and die. "Haha, come on. We should go. I have music next." Ashton laughed, as the bell rang. "Oh really? me too. Come on, let's go." I said, as i grabbed his wrist, but he immediately pulled away. I turned around, and saw him fumbling with his bracelets, and putting back to it's space, and fixing his sweater. "T-There's no hurry." He stuttered, as we both walked. 

Why did he do that?



"Mrs. (Y/LN)! Why are you late. Again." The music teacher, Mrs. Johnson, scolded me, as we walked in. "I was with the new student. Ashton Irwin." I said as i rolled my eyes. I turned around, and saw Ashton rocking back and forth with his heels. "Ah, Mr. Irwin. You may sit next to (Y/N), because apparently, that is the only vacant seat.: She said as she she eyed me. "Aw come on, it's a good thing he transferred out of this class. He was trying to feel me up!" I yelled in defense. "Oh posh, go sit down." She said, as she turned around, and continued talking. 

"So, what did you do to him?" Ashton asked, as we sat down. "I punched him in the face. Also, i told him, if i ever see him again, i'll rip his head off.: I said nonchalantly. "Woah, violent are we?" Ashton said chuckling. "Oh shut up Ash." I giggled. 



*A few months later* 

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