1.2 Ashton

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"I am sorry to say this, but you have cancer." Ten words were all it took to screw me up more than i ever was. Thirty three letters were all it took for everybody to pity me.

But those ten words, those thirty three letters, also gave me a chance to fall in love.. With him.


I walked in the rain as i came back from the doctors. My body constantly hurting from the pricking of needles, just to check if i had it or not. All because of my mother. She was just too damn scared to lose her only 'sunshine'. All of the sudden, she cared for me. Typical. They all suddenly fucking care, once you're dying.

"Miss? It's cold and raining. You ought to come inside?" Someone's voice rang in my ear, as i tilted my head a bit, and saw a boy, well a man, with curly hair, jaded eyes, and glasses on the bridge of his nose. He was in a cafe, and opened the door. I didn't say anything, just a mere nod, was all it took, for me to enter the cafe.

I walked away from the stranger, and got my own seat. It overlooked the rainy streets, and gloomy weather. Maybe, the weather was just like me. "Ma'am? Would you like some tea? You look cold." I turned around once more, and saw the same boy from before. This time, i noticed his outfit. An apron covering a black sweater, that was folded to his elbows, and black skinny jeans. He was a barista.

I nodded, and pointed at the tea, that was on a piece of paper, on the table. The boy, well barista simply smiled, and said, "I'll be right back." I looked back at the window, and noticed, a family. A mother, father, and two children. The mother scolded the one child, and the child threw a fit.

No matter how the father tried to stop the child, she wouldn't stop crying. Then, the mother and father started fighting. It kept on, until the father, pressed his lips sweetly on the mother.

That. That family, is what i crave. Knowing, that i am dying, and not able to find love, because what i have, and what it will do to me, scares me. Scares me, is an understatement. It will break me. But then again, i am already far too broken, to be fixed.

"Hey, are you okay?" I swiftly turned around, and saw the barista, with a face full of worry. 'Of course, another person to pity me' i thought darkly, as i nodded. I looked down, and after a few seconds, a tear had landed on my hand. Was i crying?

I quickly wiped the tears away, and then the barista set the tea in front of me, before sitting down himself. "My name's Ashton." He said, as he gave me a sweet smile. "Now, what's yours?" He said, as he gave me a hopeful look. I looked away, and coldly said, "Why should i tell you?" In just a few seconds, he commented, "And so she speaks." I looked back at him and glared, before a small smile formed on my lips.

"You know, you look pretty cute,with that smile of yours. So why were you crying?" He asked. My smiled disappeared, as fast as it showed. My problems were my own, and hand't need to pry. "So, you won't tell me?" He asked. "Nope." I said, as i popped the 'p'.

I finished my tea, and i stood up, and paid for it. "I'll be here, every Saturday, Wednesday, and Mondays. 5 sharp, till closing." he said, as i opened the door. "Why are you telling me this? As if i'll be back." I asked, in curiosity. "Because, i want to know, why were you crying, in this already depressing town, more so this cafe." He smiled.

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