0.7 Michael

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[a/n dedicated to my good friend MissMikeRoWave go follow her. like right now]

I slowly crawled away from mum's body, as soon as i heard the sirens and the banging of the door. I crawled to the corner, whislt holding my stuffed lion, Daniel, as i shied away frome the scene.

It all happened so fast. The door being pushed open, people running in with guns, as they took mummy's body.

I tried keeping quiet, but i was found. "I need medical attention ASAP! It's going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay." One of the people said to me, as they carried me out of the house. 

A lot of people came to me, and were surrounding me. Flashing lights everywhere, and some people were trying to put me in this huge vehicle. After a few times, they finally got me into the huge vehicle, with flashing lights. 

They put me in on a bed, and put weird things on me. "Everything's going to be okay. We're going to the hospital okay?" The nice lady told me. 

After that day, everything was never the same. I moved from housing to housing, and i never went back to that place ever. 



"Ms.(Y/L/N)! I do not appreciete you, sleeping in my class!" I shot up, and saw that everybody was snickering at me. I looked up, and saw my oh so favorite teacher -note the sarcasm- Mrs.Lauren. She was this grumpy old lady, who slams her book on my desk, every single fucking day. 

I simply rolled my eyes, and stretched. "You earned yourself detention. again." She finished as she walked away. 

Damn, i couldn't afford another detention, or else i'll lose my job. 

"Okay class, you're dismiessed." Mrs.Lauren waved her hand dismivley, as they all ran out. I was getting my stuff, and was about to walk out the door, but she stopped me. 

"y/n, we need to talk." She sighed. I rolled my eyes, and went to her desk. "Yes?" I mustered up the most innocent voice i could ever use. "look. I know you're trying to support yourself right now.. So please, don't overwork yourself okay? I really wanna see you succeed. Please don't fall asleep in class anymore.. I'll excuse your detention okay?" I stood there shocked at Mrs.Lauren. 

I didn't say anything. I just firmly nodded, my lips pursed in a thin line. She gave me a small smile, and i took that as a sign to leave. I walked out the door, and the first thing i came into contact with, was another person. "Goddammit! Watch where you're going!" I looked up, and saw rather beautiful boy. He had orange-like red hair, an eyebrow piercing, and a few tattoos, here and there. Even if he looked like a punk, he was still beautiful. 

"S-Sorry." I stuttered, as i stood up. I slouched, and walked away. "You better be sorry nerd." I heard another voice. I turned around, and saw the arseholes of our school. Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, and Calum Hood. They were cute and all, but their personality ruined it. "arseholes.' I muttered under my breathe, as i cluthed onto my bag tightly, before stalking off. 



I went to my usual place for lunch. The only place, where i could be myself. The library. I didn't eat there, nor did i bother people, because i was too infautuated, in books. The most recent book that i was looking for as of now, is 'An Imperiel Affliction'. I hear a lot of girls chatting about, during our free period. Ever since the movie, 'The Fault In Our Stars' came out. It probably had something to do with that, but i didn't care. I'm not really much of a fan, of sappy cliche love stories. I hate how their basing it on the fact of things that aren't going to happen. 

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