1.5 Michael

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"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Even after?"

He stared at me as he pulled me into a hug.


Then, in an instant he was out of my grasp. Just like that.

It had been 2 weeks since I last heard from Michael.

He had to get surgery because he had brain damage from a head on collision accident while driving.

I stood up from my bed as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess.

My hair was tangled, my makeup was smeared, and I probably smelled bad.

I stripped from my clothes and stepped into the shower.

I got out once i was done, and journeyed to the hospital to hopefully see him.

× × ×

"He doesn't want visitors." I looked up at the nurse, and rubbed the shaved bottom half of my hair.

(BTW, she has Cassie cages hair mkx)

"Him, or his fucking family?"


"No, fuck this." I stepped up and ran to his room, ignoring the calls from the nurse.

I looked around to see if anybody was there, and it was his family.

"Y/n." Michael's mom snared at me as she looked at me with disgust and smug.

"Where is he?"

She smirked as she pointed to the door. I walked in and ran to his side.

I kissed his fingers as he shook awake.

"God Mikey, I've missed you... Your mother wouldn't let me see you, and I'm sorry. I'm so happy you're ba-"

"Who are you?"

I looked at him and just laughed. I hit him playfully as I said, "Come on babe. Don't be like that."

Michael still looked at me confused. Please, no...

"Its me. Y/n. You're girlfriend of almost 3 years?"

Michael shook his head and sat up straight. "My girlfriend is Sarah. Who are you?"

"What? You brok-"

"Mikey!" I turned around and saw Sarah running into my boyfriends arms.

"What the fuck are you doing here, slut?" I said.

"Don't fucking talk to my girlfriend like that! Get out!"

I looked at him, and tears pricked at my eyes. "M-Michae-"

"Leave, y/n." I turned around and saw his mom smirking.

I walked up to her, and threatened to smack her, but my wrist was held back by Michael's father.

He looked at me with sympathy as he shook his head no.

"Fuck you."

"I won't give up on you Michael Clifford!"

I walked out the room and in tears as I dialed up a friends number.

I waited as it constantly rang. Nothing.

"Leave a message after the tone. Beeeep."

"Luke, it's me y/n. I'm sorry for yelling at you... A-and if you still care about or n-not, please meet me at... he fucking forgot about me!" I screamed into the phone with my pent up anger.

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