0.8 Ashton

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"You're really doing this, aren't you?" She asked him, as she tried holding back her sobs. The boy just stood there, feeling guilty as ever. "I guess that's a yes." She whispered, as she looked down at her shoes. "I am so sorry, y/n-" The boy said, but he was cut off, by the slap he just recieved.

"No! You aren't sorry! You don't hurt people, you love Ashton! You just don't." She screamed at him, as she ran away. He just stood there, shocked, as he touched his burning cheek. But, he didn't care about that pain, because he was hurting more, in his heart. Why? Because he basically killed the only girl he will ever love.


The girl fumbled with her keys, as she tried opening her door. She heard a door close, and she tried moving faster. "Hey, y/n right?" She turned around, and saw her neighbor, Michael. She didn't annswer him, she just simply nodded. "You okay?" With what he said, she broke out in tears.

Before she could fall on the floor, and injure herself, Michael was by her side, and tried his best to calm her down. "Shh, just let it all out." He whispered in his ear, as he stroked her hair, back and forth. So, she did as she was told. She let out all her anger, frustrations, and sadness, onto Michael's now drenched shirt.

"T-Thank You M-Michael." She hiccuped, as she finally got off Michael's grasp. "Wanna explain to me, what happened?" Michael asked, as he opened his apartment door. "You comin'?" Michael said, as he opened his door wider, noticing y/n awkwardly standing there.

Y/n, questioned herself, but she had to give him an explaniation, after crying on him for almost half and hour. She went inside, and sat on his couch. His apartment was much similar to hers. "So, tell doctor Clifford what's wrong." Michael joked, as he sat down next to her.

"Boyfriend. W-well, e-ex boyfriend." Her voice trembled, as she said, 'ex' meaning not anymore. "Wait, Ashton?" Michael questioned. Y/n nodded, and Michael contined talking. "Wow, i never expected that." His eyes widen, as he motioned her to continue on.

"Well, he thought that we weren't doing okay, so he b-broke it o-off.. J-Just like that." She whispered the last part, as more tears came to. "hey hey, he isn't worth crying over. A beautiful girl like you, doesn't deserve that." Michael said, as wiped her tears away. "He probably didn't mean to hurt you.."

"You don't hurt the people you love," she said, as tears flowed down her face, silent sobs,escaping her bitersweet chapped lips. "even if you never intended to."


After her talk with Michael, she went back home. Still devestated, about the break up, she just sat in her bed, thinking about every single memory, she had with him..

| \ Flashback / |

I was walking down the street, hoping to find him again.. After that night, all i could ever think about, was him. "Y/n." I turned around, and saw Ashton standing there, his bandana pulling back his sweat cladded locks.

"I need you Ashton.. I can't live without you.." I whispered, as tears left my face. "You know why i left you Y/n.. I'm not good for you! I'll hurt you!" He yelled at me. "No! Can't you see, you're already hurting me, because i am not with you! Do you know how hard it is, seeing you suck her face off? I'm right here, loving you with all of my heart, and you're there, probably fucking another girl! That's what is hurting me Ashton, and you don't even care!" I screamed, as i fell back, on the wall.

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