"A new start.."

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TW: violency,bullying,cussing 

*3rd person*

Soon the 5 children fell asleep.It was 5:23 am ... Denki felt something poking his right cheek and heard quiet sobbing.

~~~~Denki's pov~~~~~

"Huh.?" I said in a tired voice opening my eyes  & spotted a little girl with tears in her dull eyes staring at me and grasping onto my shirt.

"What happened kid..? Why're you crying?" I said lifting my head to see her better

"I-I-I.. had a nightmawe.." she said slightly sobbing trough the sentence.

"Oh... come here .." she suggled up in my chest tightening her grasp 

"It's okay ... what was it about..?" I rubbed her back tracing small lightning bolts hugging the crying child

"I-it was about that y-you a-and Kei-chan a-and sissy a-and bubba awe leavi-ing just l-like momma and papaw..." she said sadly shredding a cold tear 

"You know that none of us would do that kiddo...it's okay ..we'll never leave you.."

"O-okay.." she said calming down and passing out 

'Cute..'I picked her up birdal style and placed her back on the couch between her siblings 

'Now.. what time is it..?' I thought walking to the kitchen

'Wait why did I come here?'I said in my head standing in the kitchen staring into nothing for about 10 minutes trying to figure out what I walked in for

"Ohhh" I said looking at the clock

'It's 5:42...I start school att...uhm.. 8:10 am?.. Yeaah.but the older minions and smoll minion start at 7:50am.And then there's small minion jr who starts at 8:00 am ...Okayy..Then imma go get the uniforms ready..' I thought walking up the stairs to pick up the uniforms.

I walked to my parent's  where the ironing board was and started inroning our skirts,pants and shirts.I burned my fingers in the process cause I haven't done that in a long time.

"GAH!" I yelped burning my hand badly.I ran into the bathroom turning on the cold water from the tap and cooling down the burn.I wrapped my hand with some bandages.I walked out with the ironed clothes and it was already 6:15 am which meant I had to wake the three primary schoolers.

"Hey guys .. it's time for school"I said shaking the 11yo twins and 6yo dirty blonde

"Okayyy..." both of the black eyed kids replied standing up and picking up Amai by the legs and hands like a swing and placing him on his table seat

I watched them do that in confusion  cause the have never done that before.

I gave them cereal with milk and went to take a quick shower. Once I finished I put my uniform on and  gave the twins their uniforms, they went to both diffrent bathrooms to change. I waited for Amaiji a little longer and dressed him up since he still has problems with that.Then I woke up Neji fed her and dressed her up . We all were ready at about 7:35 am and headed out of the house.I dropped all the little ones off and I headed towards UA. When I got to the enterance I was already 15 minutes late which was bad. I walked into the classroom.

"Good morning im sorry for being late Mr.Aizawa!" I said 

"Good morning Kaminari and do you have a good excuse?"

"No sir I don't" I grinned 

"Ugh.. just go sit down" he said turning back to the board

I looked around at everyone whispering except the bakusquad and Shinsou.

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