A odd welcoming..

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"Anyway.Kiddos move your a$$es and get inside take your sh1t too." The driver rudely said lighting a cigarette. He looked big and muscular .It was the first time we've saw him since we sat in the back that was sperated from the drivers seat. 

"Y-yeah" I said a little scared  cause I just noticed he didn't have a eye instead there was weird.. pin?

The twins helped me with the suitcauses and the younger ones took their small backpacks.We walked into the front yard that looked like a frickin garveyard.The little ones held onto my leg . Suddenly we all jump terrified because we heard a strange noise.We froze for a second but then realize that it was a crow in a bush.We stop infront of the huge door nervous to knock.

"Uhm I-I am going to knock." Deji said a little scared with a straight face

"Y-yeah.." I stuttered following the girls move with my eyes

As she was about to knock on the door the door opens by itself and we get pulled in by something ..or someone?.. We get up helping eachother and look up to see a tall man about the age of 40? He had ginger hair and a scar across his face . He has emerald eyes with some yellow in it.

"You kids must be Gerryu's huh?" he said smirking cocking an eyebrow .

"Yes sir .The names-" I tried to introduce myself and my siblings but I was cut off

"Denki, Kei, Dejire, Amaiji and Nejire -I know." he said loudly

We looked at him then at eachother an while we did that I looked also around the room we were in .It was a long , quite wide corridor.It was filled with old paintings and the walls were covered with wallpaper that faded color and is ripped in some places.The floor was black stone and covered with a worn,yellowish-green carpet. The hall was dusty and untidied .

'Are those blood stains?!' I thought so myself spotting a kind of faded red spot on the wallpaper.

'M-maybe im just overthinking.'

"A.k.a. the stupid one , the troublemaker , the oversensitive crybaby, the weird and annoying one and the one who can bite anything." he insults us with a evil grin on his face





"Im sorry but what?"I asked him offended

"Thats how your father described you five " he almost bursted into laughter 

Me and my siblings shared a look shocked that our father said such things about us-his own kids.We stayed silent as we were speachless.

"Anywho come with me I'll lead you to your room fellas."He said after smiling weirdly at me

We walked through the long corridor where I saw more faded red spots on the walls and some furniture. We went past some doors, when we asked where those leaded to he said to not touch them and continued to lead us to our room.We heard weird noises from some doors that he didn't let us through .The two youngest held my fingers because they were scared of the dark hallways.

"Were here " he announced opening a small door that revealed some room.

We walked into the room hearing the door quickly close and we heard it lock.

"H-hey!" Dejire said in panic turning around and trying to open the door but fails. 

 The room was quite small, it had two bunk beds and a small one person bed. The sheets were plain  white and thin,the pillows were also white filled with feathers which was a bit odd since I've never saw something like that. There were two small,wodden desks ,two cabinets and a wardrobe.The walls were a greyish-cyan color and the floor was light wood.

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