1. Princess of Mewaarpur

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It has been two months today since she has last seen her brother, her lifeline, her twin. She was aware where he was but King Vishambhar and Queen Rajshri were not. She wanted to tell them but the promise she made to her brother was stopping her.

She know that they care about her brother and her as their own but she could never forget that day, even if it has become blurry with years. She will never forget the brutality with which The King of Paurashpur slaughtered her parents - The King Sooraj Pratap and Queen Sandhyamani of Mewaarpur and kidnapped her teenage sister, Princess Akshara Devi. It was their sheer luck that she and her brother had habit of hiding and escaping from royal guards and exploring their kingdom in disguise of commoner's kids. As she was the youngest, him being elder to her by mere 5 minutes, she was the most pampered one. It was their twin connection, doing things together.

That day when they were back after their one such trip around the kingdom what they found has haunted their childhood. The rampage, the blood spilled everywhere on floor, on walls, the lifeless bodies of their parents and the soldiers around them, eyes wide open, a sword stabbed from their back, pointing upwards in pool of blood, they could hear their sister Akshara screaming from somewhere far, her voice fading away. Their bade baba Vishambhar and his army running behind some people.

They tried to reach her. They were kids!!! they were literally just 10 years old small kids!! She remember being scared and sick and crying and to this day it sometimes peeps into her sub conscious mind. Then her bade baba came back along with his men. He, Kunal Pratap, her brother, being "The Young Prince" of Royal family acted to be brave enough to ask our Bade baba about What has happened inside the palace? Why did'nt he save his parents? Why were they late? Bade baba informed them how The Evil Incarnate, The King of Paurashpur and his men had backstabbed their parents and killed the soldiers brutally to kidnap their sister and how one maid who hid and ran away to bade baba when she saw the attack on the door keepers. The King of Paurashpur was surprised to see such huge army assembled in such short time. He picked unconscious Akshara and held her as bargaining deal to escape the place without risking his life. Bade baba was worried about their Akshara jiji as he and his wife loved the three kids more then anything. They did not had children of their own. For them, the safety of future of Royal family and the responsibility towards the kingdom and their people was their priority. When the army reached the gate of the kingdom, following The King of Paurashpur, he asked to open the gate so he could escape from there or he would kill Akshara jiji. While escaping he pointed towards the minister who helped him and what he did next stunned the minister. He slit that minister's throat. And then with a smirk, he took away Akshara jiji who looked pale like a rag doll, like a dead body.

After that incident, the kingdom was in chaos as Kunal was too young and not ready to be a King so Bade baba had to take over the responsibilities of The King of Mewaarpur till Kunal comes of age and can lead the army and take up royal duties.

Bade baba certainly knows and shares their feeling for revenge but they want to know what happened to their dearest Akshara jiji, the beautiful princess of Mewaarpur who was destined to grow into a beautiful queen one day but it was all lost because of that lecherous demon, the so called King of Paurashpur and he has to pay for it all. That King has to suffer, to feel the agony they felt back then and they have promised to serve justice to their parents and their Akshara jiji.

They have been trained in art of sword fight and hand combat since they turned 13. Initially badi ma was against the idea but Kunal had convinced her to let her learn for the sake of security so that in future she will never have to face the things their sister had to go through. Only if Akshara jiji had known how to protect herself.

What people were not aware of was them already plotting against the King of Paurashpur and his people. They had mastered the art of disguise, learnt it from their housemaids sister who is into "Nritya kala" where they learnt to change appearances as in by make up and body language as per character.

Her handmaid is her childhood friend ketki who is the only one, other then the twins to know about the plan. She, through her relatives have come to know about kingdom of Paurashpur where the King's word is rule. The king is at most of the time, inside the palace under great security. It's hard to reach him in palace. They have a plan and as per first stage of their plan, Kunal has infiltrated the borders of Paurashpur and is observing the kingdom and palace as a commoner. He has been sending the details to her through their messenger, their eagle, Zorawar.

In his last letter, he has mentioned about meeting someone named Veer, who is also out for revenge against the King of Paurashpur. After that last message, there has been nothing, no news about him, which scared Kanak a little and that was before two months. Hmmm!!! Veer!!!She has a doubt on this guy. Since kunal has met this guy, he has sent her information just once. It was decided If there was no further response from Kunal in a week then there will be a minor change in their plan and Princess Kanak will see to it.!!
Hola peeps!! Thank you for the love you guys showed for the Prologue! Much more then what I expected.. It's a learning curve for me...so please do help n comment n suggest..
And the Chapters will have alternate POVs of Kanak and Veer till they meet up. Keep up with the looooove!!

Thank you!!!!

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