7. Plan in Progress??? Or Love??

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It was a full moon night. He was sitting at the bank of river watching the beautiful night but not looking at it. The hot rage he is feeling each and every day since shruti was abducted had given him sleepless nights, his blood boiled everytime he heard about the tyrant king of Paurashpur. All he could think of was revenge!!!bloody revenge...!!

It has been months since he has come to this kingdom trying to find his precious. He has been living as a "Vyaapaari" in Paurashpur who keeps travelling to places and invest his money. He gets to mingle with people who can actually feed him information from the palace. He got a tip about her by someone from this place. Some unknown stranger. He has been doing his own research as well as he does not just trust anybody blindly and he was almost there..to knowing what exactly happened with her...what was done to her.. Today he realised what has happened to her no thanks to the psychopath Chaitanya that she was not just murdered but her soul was ripped from her, she decided that suicide was a better option then living in hell of Paurashpur. She was just one of the many women for The King and his men to use and destroy. It made him so mad..he wanted to kill them with his bare hands. But he will work as per his plan.

To calm his mind he had come here. This place...the water...it calms the rage. Whenever he feels conflicted, this is the place where he comes to find solace. But tonight he felt something different...there was a calmness but not the usual one...he could not pinpoint it but could feel it in his being. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and thats when he heard a sound of an anklet Chhan!! from another side a little away from the place he was sitting. He could see a silhouette of a person.

A person near the river at such late hour..that made him curious and he moved towards that person.. the sight made him blush and feel awkward... the wet bare back with water droplets dripping down from long straight luscious hair that belonged to a woman..a petite woman with little short stature and she was wiping her wet body...the move was so sensuous...as it was dark and he could only see the movement.

He was walking as if he was in a trance and while walking he stepped on a twig and he could see the snap causing the stiffness on the body which suddenly got wrapped in a wet white cloth and turned. The cloth didnt exactly conceal anything because it was still wet and he saw more then he intended. He could feel some of the drops...felt them as splash from her wet hair when she turned. Now she was facing him and then the moonlight lit her face, she was looking down in embarrassment at being caught in such state of undress. She was the prettiest being he has ever seen in his whole life and her blush..she looked so innocent so painfully beautiful..unaware of the cruelty the pain this world holds. He felt like protecting her but at the same time felt like marking her as his, his body was responding to her physically, he could literally feel himself getting hard which was like a splash of cold water and his mind was in surprise or shock he was not sure.

This feeling was alien to him. When his mind was warring within his head, the women took an opportunity to collect her things and escape. While in hurry she dropped her earring. With that he came crashing to reality and was pissed off at himself, he cried, screamed, he cursed himself, felt the rage towards himself for feeling again even if it was for a moment or two. As his self inflicted punishment he kept hitting the tree till his hand was bleeding and he got splinters in his palms to remind him of his failure, remind him of his loss, his purpose and that is to destroy the people responsible for her death and to remind them that Veer, the Prince of Nyarapur, believes in justice and serves it to his people,his kingdom. He decided to forget about the incident. His logical mind said its doubtful he will be meeting her again but at the same time he was little alert as it's been months since he was in this kingdom and yet he has never seen her before.

He was berating himself for behaving so weird and strange. He may as well have scared that girl away. He thought of her beautiful face and body. No matter what that beautiful face kept flashing in his eyes. He shook his head and walked a little, to calm his mind and then back to the place he is staying. While walking back he found her earring and something made him to keep it with him.

Kanak's PoV

"Ah!!! this cold water!!!" exclaimed Kanak when she went for her Skinny dipping in River at this late hour.. but she had always wanted to try it..atleast once in her life after she had read it in some romantic book. Well...after getting over the initial chill..she understood why this feels so good. She was feeling relaxed yet powerful with everything around her being calm. There is a scenic beauty in dark with the brightness of full moon. She could feel as if she is a part of some beautiful painting.." but who will be my painter" she thought aloud and started thinking about Veer.... Whatever she has come to know of him she liked it...more then liked it...He makes her go blank and lost..whenever he has looked at her..she got the feeling as if she is the focus of his life..of that look... its hot..it melts her from inside..she knew there is an attraction since their first contact but it seems more..so much more.

She felt all relaxed after takeing the dip. Suddenly, her anklet which she had kept in her pocket of her kurta which were dangling on a bark of tree fell down..she was too excited for her nightwatch out that in hurry she had forgotten to take out her anklet. It was only when she started walking in a secluded area she realised the sound coming from her anklet.. its while waiting for the group she removed her ear rings and anklets tied them in a cloth and kept them in her pocket.

She heard it and as she was done with her late night rendezvous she came out of water, picked her anklet, kept it back and started wiping her body...that's when she heard the snap and in hurry she just wrapped the wet cloth around her naked body. She was cursing herself for being so relaxed in enemy territory. And when she turned, lo behold...there stood the guy she was just thinking about few minutes back. Kanak was blushing profusely..she couldn't even look at him.. She thought to herself "O Kanhaji!!! I really wanted to meet him but not this soon and not like this. What to do!!" When she looked at him again she was lost in his eyes... when he moved forward she realised " this is not how I want to meet him.. I have to stick to my plan.. though I am loving his reaction to my almost nakedness.. why does he have to have that smoldering look in his eyes?? How can a girl not fall for it??? Focus Kanak focus!! You have to meet him tomorrow. For now just run away.." and that's what she did... she took her clothes and ran from there not looking at him...All this while she had a beautiful blush and smile on her face. She did not go too far.. she had to change and leave.. When she was changing she heard a cry.. she was surprised it was coming from the place where she last saw Veer.. and somehow in hurry she drops her ear ring there.. She went to check on him when she saw he was hitting the tree, the look of anguish on his face... it broke her heart.. She was shocked at herself for feeling so much for a man whom she has not officially met and has only crossed path with him not more then two or three times.. She wanted to sooth his pain, kiss away his agony but she knew it is not the right time to approach him now.. Sticking to the plan is the best approach for now.!!! Thinking so, she said "See you tomorrow Veer" with the look of adoration in her eyes and she stealthily left from there.
Yay!!!! I updated another chapter...I dont know why I want veer and Kanak to officially meet at 10th Chapter.

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