Chapter 6

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"Listen Julie, you can't just keep showing up here everyday to get a good fuck out of me. No matter how good you make me feel. Literally, your pussy is magical."

"Umm, thanks?"

"Anyways you gotta stop coming over here. I'm not gonna find a way to forgive you, so you've gotta stop trying. Find another fuck buddy."

"Whatever, you weren't very good anyways."

"Oh yeah? I've got eight inches you bitch and you better believe I know how to use it."

"Eight inches? Is that what they're calling three inches these days?"

"This is exactly why you need to leave Julie. We just don't get along."

"Fine. I'll see you hopefully never."

"See you."

"Good morning class!" Ms. Harrison says loudly, startling a few students. Everyone's either sleeping or texting. "We have a pop quiz today, so put away your notes. You get 5 points for writing your name, so I expect no zeros REGGIE," she says zeroing her eyes in on him. Reggie and his best friend Alex have been friends with Flynn and I since freshman year. Let's just say Reggie's not the best student.

Ms. Harrison passes out the papers an we begin our tests. Suddenly the door opens and a brunette boy steps in.

"You're late Mr. Patterson."

"Sorry Ms. Harrison. Car troubles."

"Whatever, I don't need your excuses. Class this is our new student, Luke Patterson. He's just moved here from Florida. I know you will all be very welcoming." She gives us a look to tell us that it's a threat.

"Don't worry teach we'll be sooo welcoming!" yells Reggie from the back of the class, still not looking up from his phone.

"Yeah, yeah thanks Reginald. Could you put your phone away now please? Luke why don't you take a seat next to Julie. She's sitting right over-"

"Oh I know Julie," he says giving me a death stare. I return the dirty look gladly. "Is there any way I can sit somewhere else?"

"First day, and you're already asking to change the seating chart? It usually takes students a week to ask, you're really ahead of the game! I guess you can sit next to Alex since I assume sitting next to Julie won't do any good for anyone."

"Thanks Ms. Harrison!" Luke says giving her a smile and taking his seat next to Alex after he waved his hand to signal that he was Alex.

"Alex," he says reaching out his hand for Luke to shake it.

"Luke. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Alright class settle down we still have a quiz," says Ms. Harrison with a stern look on her face.

"Sorry Ms. Harrison," we all mumble guiltily.

"So how'd you do on the quiz?" Flynn asks me after class.

"Pretty good I think, what about you?"

"I think I did okay. I had a really hard time on question four though. What'd you get for that one?"

"I got-"

Before I could finish my sentence Luke's shoulder bumps into me. Hard.

"Sorry Molina, didn't see you there," Luke says rudely.

"Oh shut the fuck up Patterson, we both know you did that on purpose!"

"Language Ms. Molina!" yells a teacher across the hall. "Detention!"

"Shit, look what you did Luke!"

"Wasn't my fault! You did that one all on your own princess."

"I really can't deal with you today," I say walking away. "Flynn?" She quickly starts running to catch up with me.

"So what's the deal with you and Julie? asks Alex.

"Well it all started last week when I was at the beach..."


"Hey are you new in town? I've never seen you before," Flynn asks.

"Yeah I just moved here. My name's Luke."

"Flynn. Listen this is going to sound so super crazy, but my friend and I are going on a... secret mission... and we need your help."

"What's in it for me?"

"I'll buy you ice cream? Also my friend's super hot."

"Oh really? How hot?"

"Like hot enough to pull a straight girl."

"Whatever, I'm in."

"Great, meet me in the alleyway behind the jewelry store on Monday night at ten o'clock sharp. Don't be late."

End flashback

"Anyway I met her in the alleyway, and it turned out they were robbing the place! I, of course, didn't say anything, and just got in the car. Then we got in a car chase and I made a joke about Flynn's driving, and Julie got all bitchy about it! We just kinda kept jabbing at each other until we got back to her house. I walked her to the door and tried to come in, I was horny you know? But she didn't let me in and she just kept jabbing at me. So eventually I just left. The next day Flynn invited me to get coffee with her, but when I got there, Julie was there too! Flynn said she wanted us to apologize to each other, but Julie got pissy again and stormed out. But then the next day, and this is where it gets really good, she shows up at my door apologizing. I don't accept it because I can't just forgive her rude behavior, you know? But then she somehow ended up on my kitchen counter naked with my dick inside her and she was so tight-"

"TMI dude."

"Sorry. Anyways, basically we have a lot of sex, and we hate each other."

"Okay, wow. I've known Julie for awhile, and she's crazy don't get me wrong, but I never thought that she would do something like that!"

"You mean rob a jewelry store?"

"No stupid, I mean have hate sex with a guy she just met! You use protection right?"

"Yeah of course."

"Good. Because if she gets pregnant, I have a feeling that neither of you would be able to take care of the baby. No offense."

"None taken, you're probably right. But don't worry, that won't happen. We'll be careful. Plus, she's on the pill so it's fine."

"Okay, just be careful. She means a lot to me, even if she's just a hot girl with a tight pussy to you. Eww I can't believe I just said that."

"I'm pretty sure that's all she wants me to think of her. She really hates me. Honestly, every time I think we're making progress, she comes right back with one of her bitchy remarks. Pretty sure all we'll ever be is fuck buddy enemies."

The bell rings, and the boys head back to class. Luke sees Julie in the halls, and he just stares at her for a moment. But he just keeps that to himself.

So what did y'all think of this chapter? It's the longest one so far! Over 1.1K words! Vote and comment:)
I love you all!
xoxo, am<3

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