Chapter 8

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"Again?! Julie you need to stop this, it can't be healthy!" says Flynn. She's driving me home.

"I know, I know! But he's just... there you know, and I need an outlet for all my feelings. Fucking him really does the trick."

"Babe. I love you. You know I do. But this is insane. Way more insane than anything I've ever done, and that's saying a lot! Stop this. You're gonna get hurt. You're gonna end up with an std, or pregnant! You're too young to have to deal with that."

"We're using protection! Plus, it's not everyday! Just like once a week."

Flynn gives me a knowing look and crosses her arms.

"Okay basically everyday. But we're being safe!"

"Nothing about this is safe! Or healthy! You need a hobby. Something to keep your mind off of Luke. How about cheerleading?"

"Cheerleading? Is that seriously still a thing?"

"It's... different now. More of a way of showing off your body, but yeah it's still a thing. It'll be fun! I'll join with you."

"There's no way I'm joining the cheer squad. Way too- watch out for that mailbox! Way too cliche."

Flynn swerves to avoid the mailbox.

"Please?" Flynn gives me puppy dog eyes. "For me? You need to leave that boy in the past."

"Remember when you were all pro-Luke? That was funny. Now you hate him? Oh how times have changed."

"That was before you were hate fucking him. You two could've been a super cute couple! But now you're just... whatever the fuck you wanna call it. It's unhealthy. So... cheerleading? We'd have so much fun I swear."

"Yeah, that's a no with a capitol fuck no. But you have fun with your pom-poms!" I get out the car, leaving Flynn alone in my driveway. "Oh thanks for the ride by the way!"

"Fine, but you need a hobby! You're welcome. Kisses!"

"Kisses!" I yell back. Flynn's right, I do need a hobby, but giving up Luke? I don't know if I can do that.

"Luke, you and Julie were amazing last night! Reg and I had an idea, and we were wondering if you agree?" asks Alex.

"Shoot." says Luke.

"We were wondering if you thought Julie should join the band? Her voice plus your guitar would be killer!" beamed Reggie.

"I don't know y'all, you know our history, it's a bad idea. She'd just end up bitching at me! I really don't want another reason to see her."

"You mean like when she blows you in the back of a coffee shop?"

"Oh shut up Reggie, you know what I mean. Sex doesn't count as seeing her. There's not a lot of... dialogue."

"Okay that's all I need to know!" says Alex looking disgusted.

"Sorry. It's just... not a good idea. Like really not a good idea."

"Is there anyway you two can just put up with each other for the bands sake? We would sound so amazing with her," asks Reggie.

"Fine, I guess we can try."

"Great, can you ask her? K bye!" yells Alex.

"Wait no-!" Luke yells after them, but they've already run off. "Shit."

"Julie? Can I talk to you for a second?" Luke asks pulling me aside in the school hallway.

"Yeah I guess."

"So the boys wanted me to ask you if you want to join our band? They think that you'd sound epic with us, and after our performance the other night, I have to agree. So, what do you say?"

"Be in a band? With you? I don't know, sounds like an opportunity for you to be a dick to me. I'm gonna have to pass." I turn to leave.

"Julie wait! I want a truce. No more fighting. Just... please join the band. You're insanely talented."

"I don't know..."

"You're like a human wrecking ball, an I'm throwing my seat your feet. Please Julie. We need you."

"Well when you put it like that... fine I'll join your band."

"Thank you thank you thank you! But we need to stop having sex. Like for real this time. First rule of the band- don't fuck the band."

"Fine with me. Flynn thinks it's unhealthy anyways."

"Okay cool. So... friends?" Luke asks teaching out his hand for me to shake it.

"Frenemies." I say shaking his hand. At least we won't be completely hating each other anymore.

"I'm proud of you! You got a hobby, and you're gonna stop smashing Luke! It's a win-win!" says Flynn excitedly.

"Yeah, I mean the hobby includes Luke, but we're done hate-fucking, so I guess it's good? I'm still not so sure about this band thing though. An evil snake never sheds its skin, you know? I'm afraid he's just gonna be an asshole."

"Don't worry, he won't. And if he does, I'll be sure to handle him."

"Oh yeah, you and your five foot height will be a great match for his eight pack."

"See, you're catching on already!"

"Whatever, I've gotta get to class. Bye Flynn!" I yell.

"Bye Julie! She yells back.

Maybe Luke has changed. Maybe this band will be fun, exciting! I've always wanted to be in a band anyways, just like my mom was in high school. Being in this band will make me feel closer to her in a way, and that makes me really happy. I just wish the guitarist wasn't such a hot asshole.

Hey everyone! Sorry this wasn't out yesterday, I wasn't really feeling the motivation to write. I started my period a couple days ago, and the second day is always the worst for me. Sorry, just ✨girl stuff✨.
Also I'm currently really obsessed with this emoji 🧸 I just think it's super cute🥺
Also I didn't Edit, sorry
Love you all!
xoxo, am<3

nothing good starts in a getaway car(smut warning)Where stories live. Discover now