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Aizawa's POV

A month went by, it was a great time and we got used to the new lifestyle pretty quickly. Izuku's trust grew to the point where we can be with him like we are with everyone, Hizashi loud and touchy and me.. well i don't know but we don't have to be careful around him anymore.
Of course there are still risks and high chances for him to have a panic attack or do something really stupid so we are still careful (and to be honest I don't think we will ever stop) but he isn't scared around us anymore. Well if there are other people around like students or teachers then yes but if it's just Hizashi, Fuyumi, Nemuri, Recovery Girl, Nezu or me he's fine.

He doesn't have to walk with crutches anymore, his wounds are fully healed. There are still hospital visits and a lot of testing because we still don't know what exactly happened to him and what drugs were put in his body. Izuku is ok with being in the hospital, well he is ok with it when Fuyumi treats him, and only Fuyumi but that's manageable.
He bonded with Fuyumi and Nemuri very quickly and weirdly enough he also bonded with Recovery Girl and Nezu. I mean I'm very proud of him and happy that he got people he trusts but how the fuck did he do that. Bonding with those two is like bonding with a rock, one sided, or so I thought. Recovery Girl and Nezu have a soft spot for him..
Understandable, yes, but still I have never seen them get so close to someone they barely know, especially not Nezu.

Right now we are in a pet store, well Hizashi and I are and Izuku is at home watching a movie with Nemuri.
We are looking for a cat, we want him to have something or better said someone except from us. Something he can use to distract himself from bad thoughts. Someone who can be there for him in case we can't, and of course a cat isn't someone who could help him if he's hurt or who could stop him from doing something he'll regret but I think it would help.
There are animals with higher Intelligence, caused by quirks and to be honest I really hope we find a cat like that.
Most people don't realize that their pet has a quirk but if you know what you're looking for, wich we do because we sometimes work with quirk animals (I'm not talking about Nezu) you can find one easily.
Still it's hard, animals with quirks are rare.
A big help is that there are animal chelters for animals that might have a quirk, these chelters are mainly for Heros and Trauma Patients. Nearly all of the animals in those chelters were found or detected by hero's and it's good that only a specific group of people can adopt them.
If they were held in a normal chelter, civilians would adopt them and treat them like a normal animal wich isn't good for their health.
They don't need special food or something like that, they just have to be trained correctly, not just dogs with quirks, no every animal with a quirk needs to be trained and held correctly for them to not get sick or depressed. Often when they don't get the correct training and stuff they get the feeling to be ignored, different and weird. It's complicated but that's exactly the reason why I find it good that they have their own chelter, the get treated great till someone adopts them, the person who adopts them gets instructions and there are checkts to see if the pet is fine.
It's a win win situation, they help people live with their trauma and work as hero's and we prevent  them form getting traumatized and depressed.
I think I should stop thinking about cat facts and start thinking about actually finding a cat first.
Izukus birthday is tomorrow and it's time, I know it seems unplanned but what are we supposed to do? Get a Cat and keep it in the basement for two weeks?

Nemuri's(Midnight:s) POV:

Izu and I have been sitting on the sofa for a couple of hours now.
An hour ago we ate lunch even tho it's probably seen as dinner for the majority of people.
We were watching movies and to be honest I could do this for the rest of my life. Being with him, Hizashi and Aizawa is like being with the family I always wished for and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that thinks this.

Izuku has been very quiet for the last 30 minutes, I mean he's always quite don't get me wrong but he just seems more.. i don't know, in thoughts I guess.

„Hey Izu.." I say and the bean looks at me. „Is something wrong? Should i call your dad?"
He looks at me with big eyes and then starts shaking his head aggressively.

I expected a lot but not his, something is definitely off.

Words: 863


It's a shorter chapter I'm sorry but I wanted this to get out as fast as possible because you already had to wait so long. (Also I wanted a cliffhanger but shhhhh)
I try publishing another chapter this weekend but I'm not sure if it will work cause i have to work for my graduation.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this short chapter!

Stay save and healthy and I hope you have a great night/day!✨💕

(Btw I'm souper tired and I my phone has 2% so I won't read it again to check for mistakes. If there are any I'm sorry)

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