Please don't Leave Me

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Aizawas Pov

"Ok? What is it?" Hizashi sais with a worried voice.
"You know how I told you that I'm working on a case, and thats why I'm coming home so late right?" I say and sip on my coffee.
"Yeah, what about it?" He ask his voice getting serious.
"I didn't lie, I am working on a case.." I sigh "but this case is different. I just can't get it.. I can't get him out of my head. He's acting just like you when we were young"
"Who are you talking about?" He asked confused but worried.
"A boy, Izuku Midoriya. He isn't talking about his problems, acting like he is fine when he isn't and he just reminds me of you so much"
A pause, Hizashi is quiet i can understand that.
He hates this kind of topics but at the same time wants to know everyone with the same problem so he can help them.
"He tried to kill himself, I caught him. But his body is littered with scars and wounds.
Not only from self harm.."
I say taking a sip of my coffee.
"H-how old is he?" Hizashi asked worried and sad.
"He looks so innocent, and kind. Why would someone do this to him?" I say, my voice breaking at some parts.
I can't stop seeing Hizashi standing on the edge of the roof. It's like I have to relive it..
I will help this kid like I helped Hizashi and he can live happily again.
"I want to meet this boy"
This caught me off guard.
"W-what? Hizashi I know you want to help him but-"
"Shota please, I know that it will be hard. But I can handle some nightmares and flashbacks. I want to help him open up!
I know this is hard for you too so let me help! We can do this together."
Why does he has to be right?
"Fine.. But when I tell you to stop listening to me! I don't want you to break down completely." I say slightly worried.
"Yes sir! Ok go back to work, I will come with you tomorrow.
Love you!"
I sigh "Love you too"
He hangs up.
After finishing my coffee i walk to the hospital room from Midoriya and knock.

Izukus Pov


I flinched and look to the door. The door opens and Mister Eraserhead walks in the room.
He goes to the guy on the Chair and talks with him.
The doctors left after I wouldn't let them put a needle in my arm. I mean why would I just let them hurt me?!
They're bad people, they just act nice and then when they're seeing a chance they'll take me back to the League.
The woman said they will come back to do the tests when Eraserhead is back.
But he'll pr-

"Hey buddy" the tiered voice said.
The sudden noice scared me but he himself isn't scary.
I look up to him.
The other man stands behind Mister Eraserhead.
He's waiting for me to say something.
I guess he realized that I won't cause he started talking again.
"Ok.. I know this will be really really hard but you have to listen to us and answer everything truly."

'Oh no please'

"I will be here the whole time, if you need a break just let us know." He finishes speaking and looks at me.
I point to the paper and pen on the table behind them and the other guy gets it.


I take the paper and pen and nod.

"I'm detective Tsukauchi, can you tell me your name again?"

-8TON or Izuku Midoriya-

"Thank you verry much Midoriya, could you tell me what 8TON means?"

I shiver, I can't tell them if I do they will put me in prison! I'm a bad guy, a monster I can't tell them.




A hand on my shoulder makes me realize I'm hyperventilating.
Eraserheads weird smile is making me feel save.
I look on the paper then back at the two men and than back to the paper and start writing.

-I would rather not talk about that-
I show them the paper and the two just nod.

"Thats quite alright, we will maybe need this information later on but right now we can just keep going"

I sigh in relive and look at the two of them.
"You're 12 years old right buddy?" Eraserhead says and I nod.
"And you're quirkless?"



What am I supposed to say now?!
If I tell them I'm quirkless they'll hate me but If I tell them about my horror quirk
they'll hate me too.


The two look at me in confusion.
"What do you mean both?"
The detective asks.
-I was born quirkless but now I guess I have one-
I showe them the paper and they stare at me.
"W-well ok, we will do some tests about that later" The detective says and I stare at him.
'Oh got please no.. No test.. I don't want to hurt them'
My vision is gettin blurry and I shake my head.
"Hey bud, it's ok we won't hurt you and you won't hurt us." Mister Eraserhead says and I look at him.
"I have a quirk that can stop other quirks, so if something bad happens I just stop it. Ok?"
I nod
"Ok, now can you tell me why you don't talk?" His tired eyes look at me and I start writing.
-If I talk I get hurt, so I stopped talking when I was 7-
I show then the paper and they look at each other.
"Why do you get hurt?" the detective says.
-They get mad when I talk to them, I'm only allowed to talk when they tell me to. If I talk without there permission they hurt me.-
I show them the paper.
"Ok, so first of all you can talk here when ever you want. You won't get hurt. You probably don't want to and thats ok but you will have a special doctor give you exercise for your voice. You can do them when you're alone."
'I won't get hurt?' I smile slightly and look at Mister Eraserhead who continues talking.
"And now, can you tell us who the people are that hurt you?"
My smile fades away and I look down to my paper.

-Bad guys. I think they call themselves League of Villans, the man that created me works with them. There are two leaders I only met one his name is Shigaraki. But there's one nice guy! Please don't hurt him!-
I show them the paper.
The two men look at each other and then back at me.
"Tomura Shigaraki?"
I nod
"Ok, why do you want to protect one of the bad guys?"
The Detective says
-He helped me since I came there, he teached me how to write and how to do math. He also teached me sign language and I had to actually talk to him so I don't forget how to speak. He saved my life multiple times and help me get out of there. And he never killed someone he's just being used. He's a good person.-
I show them the paper and they seme happy.
"It's good to here that someone was there for you"
The Detektiv says.
"Ok, thats it. Maybe we have to ask some more questions later but for now it's enough.
One last thing," He looks at me with a nice smile.
"No one here wants to hurt you, and you don't have to talk about what exactly they did to you, the wounds and scars are enough evidence. But.. it would be good for you to talk about it eventually. With anyone you want, with Eraserhead, me a doctor or a therapist. So please try and let us help you kid."
He smiles and stands up.
I nod my head slowly and he walks to the door.
"Thank you for your time. Have a good day" The Detektiv says and leaves the room closing the door behind him.
I like Detektiv
Tsukauchi, he's nice.
I look to Eraserhead and he sighs.
"I will go now bud, it's really late. The doctors will do the rest of the tests and then you should sleep."
He says and I stare at the bed sheets.
'He's going to leave me like everyone else?!'


"Don't worry kid, the doctors are really nice and wont hurt you. Please let them do their jobs."
He stands up and walks to the door.
I grab my paper and pen, stand up and walk to him nearly falling multiple times.
I grab his tshirt and he turns around in shock.
"You need to be careful! You can't just stand up, you could hurt yourself!"
I look down at my Paper and start writing.

-Please don't Leave Me-

I show him the paper and he smiles slightly, then pics me up and puts me back on my bed.
"I will come back tomorrow morning, I promise. I won't leave you bud.
And I will bring my Husband, maybe you know him. He's a hero too."

'A Hero?! Wich one? An Underground hero or a-'

I look at him and smile.


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