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Aizawas Pov

After the doctors left I let go of the boy and he lays in his bed looking at me.
His eyes look dull, filled with pain.
That is not a look a 12 year old boy should have!
This reminds me of Hizashi when we were younger.

"W-who are you?"

My attention is now on the young boy who is looking at me.
His voice is raspy and quiet.
It's like he hasn't talked in ages.
His eyes are screaming out for help.

"I'm Shota Aizawa, I'm a pro hero. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise"

For a second I saw a spark of happiness in his eyes and it makes me want to smile.
This feeling is weird.

"You're in a hospital. You were put in a coma for a week because of your condition."

He nods and smiles but I can see the tears in his eyes, he's just like Hizashi trying to hide his feelings and make everyone else happy.

"Listen kid" He looks back at me still trying to hide his feelings "I don't know what you went through, the only thing I know is that it was hard and it's totally okay to show your emotions. You're not weak! You're not responsible for anyone's happiness only for yourself.
You have to talk about what happened to you eventually but right now you can recover.
Show your emotions, let everything out. We will be here and protect you."

He looks at me.
'Oh god I'm really not good at this. I probably said something worng'
He looks out the window and tears start to fall down his face.
He is quietly crying.

What to do?
Hug him?
I mean it worked last time.

I walk up to him and hug him.
It's a weird hug I'm not good at hugging but he puts his face in my tshirt and silently cries.


Izukus pov

I start crying.





I Start crying even more as these words repeat in my head.

'Shut up Shut up Shut up Shu-'

The tired looking man hugs me.

It's Silent, the voices are for once quiet.
I feel Save.

After really long 10 minutes I back up a little and smile at him.
I like smiling even though I feel terrible right now, smiling is my way of showing people that I like them or that I'm grateful without talking.

He looks at me and smiles back, his smile is kind of weird but it is still a true smile.

"So kid, how do you feel?"

I look to the side, he said to show my emotions but I don't want to bother him. He has his own problems.

"I-I'm Fine.." I cough out

He looks at me, his expression shows that he wants me to tell the truth. He knows I lied to him.
Yet again My vision get blurry and I feel tears in my eyes.

"I-I'm scared.. Everything hurts.. I-I don't want to go back there! I-i just want m-mom"
My voice is pitched and I gasp for air.
I want my mom!
I don't want to be here!
Why did she leave me here?
Why was I saved?!

I'm hyperventilating.

I can't breath..

I'm scared

Aizawas Pov

The boy was having a panic attack.
Once again I hug him, one hand on his head the other one on his back going up and down slowly.
I quietly say these typical calming stuff, like it's fine, let it all out, you're safe.

I would never admit it but seeing this kid so.. so broken hurts me. I have to protect this boy, I just have too.

I hold him in my arms calming him till there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I say laying the now sleeping Boy on the hospital bed.
Doctor Todoroki, the blue/black haired doctor and Detective Tsukauchi walk in the room. I nod my head and the two doctors go to Midoriya quietly.

"Excuse me doctor?" The two look at me. "I never god your name."
I look at the dark blue haird man.
Fuyumi Todoroki goes back to work and makes some tests without waking the boy up.

"I'm doctor Amori sir, I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier" He smiles at me and I nod.

Tsukauchi comes up to me and greets me with a smile.
"Good afternoon Eraserhead.
I have to talk to you about the kid."
I nod, stand up and walk behind him out of the room.

"I will talk to the boy when the doctors are done. It seems like he likes you so it might be a good idea that you stay by his side when I ask him"

"Mmh sure" I say and wait till he continues.

"Did the boy tell you anything else?"

"Nothing about the case"

"ok, we will look into everything, we will decide if he is going to be put in forster care or an Orphanage when we have more information.
Maybe he needs to be keept in the hospital even if he recovered enough to leave just because of his safety, or he has to stay with heros.
We will have to decide that later."

"Alright" I say and walk back in the room Tsukauchi following me.

Walking back in, I see that Izuku is still asleep in his bed, Doctor Todoroki and Doctor Amori are still working on tests or some shit.

"I will make a phone call, I come back when the Doctors are done" I say grabbing my phone.
Tsukauchi sits down on a chair nexst to the door and nods with a small smile.

I walk out the door and go to a coffee machine near Midoriyas room.
After the coffee is done I sit down on a chair and call Hizashi.

"Shut the hell up" I Interrupt Hizashi.
"What's up sleepy head? You coming home soon?" He sais.
"Later I will but we need to talk, it's important"


Thank you for reading🌸
I hope you enjoyed it!

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