Entrance Exam

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Aizawas Pov:

I still can't believe Izuku has been with us for almost 3 years.
He's 15 now and about to go to the entrance exam of UA.
I'm so damn proud of my little problem child, he has improved so much.
I mean he still  can't really controls his quirk, but he talks to us, like actually talks with his voice not hands.
He still only talks to Hizashi, Nemuri, Chiyo, Nezu, Hitoshi and me but it's still a huge improvement.
He got his first (and only but that doesn't matter) friend a year ago,
we met Hitoshi while we were going home from UA, he was being bullied by two guys and Izuku went up to him and helped him, I never thought he would do something like that.
Willingly talk to a stranger, but he did he went up to him and the bullies tried to hurt him to.
Once he got pushed by one of the two his quirk activated, thanks to the bracelet no one got hurt but it scared them off.
And Hitoshi, he just kind of crawled into Izukus heart.
I'm glad, even if I didn't trust him at first.
He only has 7 people he trusts, at least one of them is his age.

He still gets triggered if someone he doesn't Trust touches him, he still gets panicked if he's around to many people and through other things as well but it has gotten better, we can calm him down more easily and if Giri is with him he can calm him self down as well.
Since he said his first words to us everything has improved and I hope that when he gets into UA it will get even better. I hope he will get some more friends there.
Of course it's not for sure that he gets in but he will only do the written exam and not the physical exam. We already discussed everything with Nezu, and he was teaches at home and UA so I think he will get the exam done easily.
And we will keep on training for him to control his quirk as long as he wants.

Izukus POV:
It's the entrance exam for UA today and we are already on our way to the school. The exam won't start for another two hours but as teachers Dad and   Papa have to get there early to prepare everything and I well I have to go with them because I don't have another way to school.
I don't really mind tho, I like the school and like this I can get used to a lot of people around me before all the students arrive.
Papa parks by the teacher parking lot and wakes up Dad who is grumpier than usual because he had to wake up earlier but after two minutes of fighting he gets out of the car. We meet auntie Nemuri on our way into the school building and the first thing she does is crush me in her hug.
I don't know why but that's always the first thing she does when she sees me, I think she likes her role as an aunt a little bit to much.
We go into the teachers lounge and I sit down on the Couch while the other three put their things away.
„Good Morning Midoriya, did your parent's drag you out to work again? That must be really annoying, aren't you tired?" She says, I like her but I still don't understand how she's so talkative. She always finds stuff to talk about even in the weirdest moments it's interesting.
-It's fine, like this I have time to prepare for the exam.-
"Right! You'll be participating. Well I will leave you alone then. Good luck, I'm sure you'll make it!" She says and goes back to her desk.
Nezu walks out of his office and calls may dad's over to him.
I have the feeling it's about me, I mean it's not that hard to understand when they're looking at me while talking.
After like two minutes of talking Papa's face lifts up and if Dad wouldn't have erased his quirk we'd probably all be deaf right now.
At least that means it's good news.

The three of them walk up to me and smile (or well dad grins his creepy grin)
"We have good news buddy! If you get accepted, you can bring Giri to school. It's allowed because he's an support animal and he wont be a distraction because of his high IQ." Papa says and Nezu nods.
I could take him with me? Everywhere I want?
"Thank you" I say quietly and Nezu grins.
„Why would a cat with a quirk not be allowed when I am?" He says while walking back to his office. „Now get ready for the exam."

Two hours later

I sit down in one of the chair and wait, the room is slowly getting fuller and fuller.
People sit down next to me, oh god I can't do this.
I look up from my lab and try to look at the people next to me without them realizing, of course that doesn't work. Just my luck.
A blond guy with beautiful red eyes notices me looking and scuffs. „What are you looking at extra?!" He says and I look at him, our eyes look and mid sentence he just stops talking. „You think you're bet-..."
Well that was weird, do I have something in my face or why did he stop talking. Well even if I do, it doesn't really matter as long as it stops me from having to talk to people its fine.

Nezu walks on stage and stands in front of a microphone. „Welcome to UA! It's wonderful seeing how many young Hero's are interested in studying here." He smiles and continues. „Well let's get straight to the point, you will each get the test papers on your desks and will turn them around and start when I say so. You will have one hour to finish and then the test will get collected. If you finish earlier just stay in your seat and wait, you can eat or drink as long as you don't disturb anyone. After that Pro Hero Present Mic and maybe your future English teacher will explain you the terms of the physical exam." He looks down on the paper in his hands acting like he is thinking about what to say next, wich I'm pretty sure is face because he knows this sprach like his own paw. „Now I think that's it, have fun all of you and good luck... oh and don't bother trying to cheat we will know." he says, grins and walkes of the stage.
Most of the people in the room start talking nervously with the people next to them, the blonde next to me just stared at his desk tho. I wonder if it has something to do with earlier or if its just his way of concentrating.

I finished the exam about an quarter of an hour early and just went over it the rest of the time. I have a good feeling about this but who knows I could be terribly wrong.

After all the papers got collected nearly everyone started talking again. It's so loud I have the feeling I can hear the conversation of every single one of them. It's disturbing, I wich they could just shut up, why do people have to be so energetic. I could just explode right now, yell at everyone to shut up but I won't and even tho I want to I can't. I can feel the air get thinker and that's not a good sign, where is Giri? Why isn't he here? He's supposed to help me. Help me I don't want to lose control again. Help me. Just shut up, everyone shut up. Please.

"HEY LITTLE LISTENERS!" Papa yells and everyone quiets down.
R-right I'm not alone. My parents are here, Pro Heros are here, even my friends is here some where. Nothing can happen, I have my bracelet on. I can't hurt anyone I just have to calm down and listen to Papa.
„Don't worry you can talk soon, I will explain everything and then you will have a breake for an hour. But first I hope everyone did great on the written exam! How was it?" He says using his quirk so that everyone can here him.

A couple of people yell good and Papa smiles. He always loves it when his audience answered to his questions.
„Now let's talk about the physical exam shall we?"
Dad says that when Papa starts explaining I could just go because it takes long and its not important to me, so I guess its time to go now.
I take my backpack and walk out of my row and to the door.
"Excuse me!" a boy with blue hair and glasses says standing up.
"Yes?" Papa says.
"You! With the green hair!" He yells and I flinch, oh god. I feared this.
I look at him and put on a question face.
"It's very rude to just stand up and go when there is someone talking to you. If you don't take this you shouldn't be here! This is very Important to everyone here and you think its funny to just mock this school by walking away?"
I just stare at him, what am I supposed to do now, I can't just keep walking.
"You having to say for yourself I see, this is very inappropriate behavior." He says while doing his weid hand movements.
"Ah. It's find young Listener, he is allowed to leave, he wont be participating at the physical exam. And excuse him for not answering but he's mute." Papa says and i sign in relive.
"Oh, I apologize for making such a scene." He says bowing to me and i wave my hand trying to make clear that it doesn't matter. He sits back down and I walk out while trying to ignore the very obvious chitchat going on about me. I walk out of the door and Dad is standing there waiting for me.
I practically jump into his arms.
„I-it was horrible, I hated that." I say hugging my dad.
„I thought you would say that so I went home real quick and got u something to calm down." he said and points to the little black cat sitting on the ground looking up to me.
„Giri! Thank you Papa!" I say picking Giri up.
„It's fine. Now why don't you go sit down in the teachers lounge. Theres some food for you. I'll come in 10 minutes I have to do something real quick.
I nod and start walking.

Words: 1810

Thank you for reading!
(I didn't prove read this and didn't change the fronts I'm sorry but I'm just to lazy right now)

I'm so sorry for not posting, I just had a lot to do and no motivation.
I'll try posting more but I can't make promises.
This story will have slow updatedes I'm sorry.
Well anyways have a great day or night and stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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