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The girls left the shop and enjoyed the sun. 'That was fun.' Y/N said linking her arms with Gia and Yuxin's. Her friends agreed while they decided who was going to pick up their stuff in a few days once it was ready. 'Me and Jade can pick it up. I'm staying around until the finals cause I can't be bothered to go home.' Gia said. Jade nodded and soon it was decided. 'What should we do now?' Gia asked making Y/N shrug at first. 'Oh I know.' Y/N said, drawing her friends' attention to her. 'I saw a tattoo shop when we out for lunch yesterday. Can we go?' Gia nodded liking the idea. 'Yeah I wanna get another tattoo.' She said. 

'Let's goooo.' Y/N said pulling the girls either side of her. Within a few minutes they had arrived and were looking through the designs. Gia and Y/N looked around while the others waited on the couches. They came across one of the tattoo artists sketching a design of a rose. Both girls looked at each other and gasped. 'That's so pretty.' Gia said making the guy flinch. 'Um, this?' He said blushing slightly when he saw the two girls. 'Is it up for someone to get?' Gia asked. 'It's just a sketch...' The girl's smiles faded making the guy panic slightly. 'But I can do it for you.' Their faces lit up again but they soon glared at each other. 'I want it.' 

'No I want it.' They bickered making the tattoo artist think for a second before clearing his throat to get their attention. 'How about I split it in half and they both have half.' Y/N smiled, 'Like a best friend tattoo?' He nodded and the girls agreed with him. 'Okay. Where do you want it?' He asked making them both think for a moment. 'I have space on my shoulder blade.' Gia said making Y/N nod. 'Yeah I'm down for that.' They both rushed off to pass their bags and jackets to their friends. 'Where are you getting it done?' Keran asked. 'On our shoulder.' Yuxin stood up. 

'Here take this.' She passed her jacket to Y/N. 'Why?' She looked up confused. 'You won't get tattooed through your top will you now?' She said making Y/N smile sheepishly. 'Oh yeah.' She pulled away tightly clutching the jacket in her hands before rushing off to the back of the shop. Gia went first as she was already preparing and they spoke amongst themselves. 'My name is Jiang Jun. Do you want any drinks or anything? Tea? Coffee? Water?' Y/N shook her head while smiling, 'I know a Jun. She's Yuxin's cousin.' Gia asked for some water. 'Yeah one second I'll just send someone.' He came back soon and started to tattoo Gia. 

'Sorry for the wait.' A boy said from the door. Y/N stood up to take it but she stopped in her tracks. 'You...' He trailed off making the tattoo artist turn around. 'What's wrong?' He asked making the boy gulp. He looked over at the Jun who had his eyebrow raised. 'N-nothing. Here you go.' He quickly passed Y/N the drinks before slamming the door behind him as he left. 'Did you know him?' Gia asked over the noise of the tattoo gun. Y/N nodded her head, 'When I came out to eat with Jade yesterday, he was working at the restaurant.' Gia noticed her looking uneasy. 'Did he do something, you look tensed.' 

Y/N sighed and covered her arms and chest with Yuxin's jacket. 'Almost. He was getting really close but Jade managed to get the managers attention before he did do something.' Gia started to get annoyed and Jun noticed. 'We'll sack him if it helps you two feel better. He's a shit worker anyway. Only had him for a day.' Y/N shook her head. 'No no. I felt bad yesterday as well when the manager fired him on the spot.' Gia shot her a glare. 'How can you say that? He's a pervert.' Y/N rolled her eyes. 'Stop moving about. You're making Jun take longer than he needs to.' Gia playfully stuck her tongue out at Y/N while she showed her the middle finger.

'You two here with friends?' Y/N nodded but Gia quickly denied. 'Nah I'm here with friends, she's not.' Y/N understood her little trick and scoffed. 'Yeah, I'm here with best friends.' Jun laughed at the two girls arguing like children. 'Is it a good idea to give you this tattoo?' He asked making the two burst out laughing. 'It's fine don't worry, she's my second favourite hottie.' Y/N said making Gia scoff. 'Yeah, she's my second favourite baddie.' Y/N blinked her eyelashes in disbelief. 'Oh please you don't know any other baddies.' 

'Yeah I do.' 



'That's cheating and a lie.'

'Oh yeah? Says who?'

'Says me bitch.'

'Guys you can keep arguing but please stay still.'


My two moods

Crying to Hello

Aggressively twerking to Alien

No in between 


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