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She resurfaced from her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door. 'Yuxin it's me Jun.' She got up and opened the door for the little koala. She squat down to her level. 'Hello little baby.' She smiled at her. 'You okay?' Jun nodded her head and hugged the older girl. 'Yuxin,' She pulled away and stepped back a bit. 'Y/N's crying downstairs, what happened?' Yuxin's eyes widened and she ran downstairs to see Y/N crying on the sofa. She ran to her and took her into her arms. 'What happened?' she whispered. Y/N hugged Yuxin and tried to calm herself down. 'D-Did I do something wrong?' Yuxin pulled away slightly and wiped her tears. 'What are you on about? You didn't do anything.' Y/N looked up at Yuxin. 'You seemed a bit distant, I thought I did something wrong and that you hated me.' She said in between small sniffles. 'I could never hate you.' Yuxin pulled her close to her and buried her head in Y/N's neck.

Y/N moved slightly higher and played with Yuxin's hair. Yuxin moved herself closer to Y/N and took in her scent. 'You okay?' Y/N asked to which Yuxin nodded, 'Can we stay like this for a bit?' She mumbled. Y/N smiled slightly and replied with 'Of course. As long as you like.' Jun quietly came downstairs and saw the two older girls in each others arms. She thought for a minute before quickly crawling up the stairs to get a big blanket. She slowly came down the stairs again trying not to fall and wrapped it around their shoulders. 'Thanks little koala.' Y/N smiled at her and she ran off to find Hannah. Y/N looked down and tried to look at Yuxin's face but she had dug herself deep into the crook of Y/N's neck. She pulled away slightly but was pulled back by Yuxin. 'Do you need anything?' Yuxin shook her head. 'Are you uncomfortable?' again she shook her head. 'Are you cold?' Yuxin closed the little gap between them two then shook her head.

Y/N giggled slightly before stroking Yuxin's head. She placed her other hand on the back of Yuxin's neck making her shiver slightly. 'O-oh I'm sorry.' Y/N brought her hand away from her. 'It's fine I just wasn't expecting it.' Yuxin mumbled. Y/N placed her hand back on her neck and brushed her thumb over her bare skin. Y/N felt Yuxin's arms drop a bit, 'Yuxin?' She didn't get a response and tried again. She figured that she had fallen asleep and went to move her when she suddenly tightened her grip. 'Don't leave, please.' Y/N felt tears brim in her eyes. The pain in Yuxin's voice made her heart ache. 'I'm not going anywhere don't worry. I was just making sure you were comfortable.' She tried her best to keep a calm tone to her voice. 'Do you wanna go upstairs?' Yuxin nodded slightly and pulled away from Y/N. She hung her head and kept the blanket close so Y/N couldn't see her face. 

Y/N took the sleepy Yuxin upstairs and got her into bed. 'Do you need anything?' Yuxin shook her head. Y/N joined Yuxin under the covers and let the older girl bury herself in her chest. Y/N stroked Yuxin's head while she fell asleep. She let the tears in her eyes fall but tried her best not to wake Yuxin. She calmed herself down and told herself she had to be strong for Yuxin's sake. She pushed Yuxin's fluffy hair away from her eyes and rested her hand on her cheek. She felt her cheek heat up underneath her hand and moved it away. Yuxin whined slightly and she took that as her telling her to put it back. She smiled at Yuxin's frowning face and watched it relax again as she placed it back where it was.



Forgot I had a story for a hot minute 😆😆

School is stressful and I have no idea how to cope but we good.... I think.

Thanks for readingggg :))))))

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