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After about 20 minutes Yuxin and Y/N dropped their bags and sat on the beanbags in the far corner. They huddled together and ate quickly before Y/N placed her head on Yuxin's chest and closed her eyes. 'How long is lunch?' Yuxin rested her head on Y/N's, 'Hour and a half for us. We've got about an hour left.' Y/N hummed and opened her eyes. She took Yuxin's hand and started playing with the rings on her hand. 'You're always playing with my hand. What's with that?' Yuxin questioned with a slight laugh. 'They're so soft and smooth and they're always so warm.' Yuxin smiled at Y/N's happy expression. Y/N looked up at her confused, 'What? Is there something on my face?' Yuxin moved Y/N onto her lap and hugged her tightly, 'It's nothing.'

Y/N looked down at Yuxin's hand again and Yuxin leaned her head on the wall behind her. She closed her eyes and whispered 'Wake me up in about half an hour.' Y/N hummed and glanced at her watch. Y/N kept herself company for about 15 minutes when she heard the door swing open. 'Thought I'd find you two here.' It was Fei. She walked over to Y/N who was still in Yuxin's lap, playing with Yuxin's hand. Fei smiled at them 'Is she asleep?' she whispered. Y/N nodded and looked back at Yuxin who was peacefully sleeping. She turned around to Fei who squatted down to her level. 'Will you pass on that no one's gonna be home and that my sister said for her to come to mine.' Fei smiled at her. Y/N's phone started ringing from her coat pocket which was just out of her reach. She tried to get up but she felt to arms snake around her waist and hold her down. She turned around to see Yuxin's nose slightly scrunched up and a little pout on her lips. Fei laughed and handed her coat to the trapped girl. She bowed her head slightly and pulled out her phone.

'Hi Dad.'

'Hi Hon. I don't think I'll be back until late today. Is Yuxin with you?'

'Yeah she's asleep though.'

'Will you be able to go home with her?'

'She's going to her cousins house because there isn't going to be anybody home with her. Don't worry Dad I'll manage by myself.'

'No way, you may be 14 but you're still a baby in my eyes. I'll tell my boss that I can't leave you at home alone.'

'Dad, it's fine really.'

Fei quickly realised the situation and offered Y/N to go home with her. Y/N hesitated for a second but her Dad heard Fei's offer. 'Who's with you?'

'Yuxin's cousin.'

'The one she's going home with?'


'Does she mind you going with her?'

'Um,' Fei was shaking her head. 'N-no.'

'Don't worry. You'll be fine. Yuxin will be with you. See you tomorrow hon.'

'Yeah, I'll see you t-tomorrow.'

'I love you.'

'Love you too Dad. Bye.' Y/N hung up and played around with the phone in her hands while biting her bottom lip. Fei noticed she was tense, 'You okay?' Y/N nodded her head without looking up. 'You sure?' Y/N looked up and smiled at her. 'Yeah I'm okay.' she said quietly. Fei stayed there for a bit and kept Y/N company. She told Y/N about her little 2 year old sister and how Yuxin left home at the age of 12 to pursue dancing. She was staying at a relatives house and that with every day that passed she became more and more passionate about dance and recently music. The admiration that she had for Yuxin grew and she couldn't help but smile as Fei continued to tell Y/N about her. Y/N glanced down at her watch and realised she needed to wake Yuxin up.

She looked at Yuxin who had snuggled up against Y/N. She lightly shook her and said her name a few times. 'You're so nice to her. Just whack her arm until she wakes up.' Fei laughed. Y/N laughed slightly and tried to move around to face Yuxin fully. Her movement made Yuxin whine and hold her tighter. 'Ah Yuxin you're gonna squeeze to death.' Y/N blew in her face which only made her bury her face in Y/N's shoulder. 'A few more minutes.' Yuxin mumbled. 'Yuxin you need to get up.' Y/N whispered in her ear sending shivers down the older girls spine. Yuxin blushed slightly but lucky for her, no one was able to see. After a few moments when she felt her face cool down she lifted her head to see Y/N looking at her with a smile. Y/N's face became serious and she moved her arm over Yuxin's head making her duck down. 'What is it?' Yuxin looked back at her and then up at Fei's arm which had been blocked by Y/N's.

'Thanks Y/N I would've died.' Yuxin smiled making Fei stick her tongue out at her. Y/N got up and grabbed her bag while Fei told Yuxin about how she was going home with her. 'Aah Y/N save me.' Yuxin got up and hid behind her. 'Lucky for you, I will.' Yuxin looked at her confused. 'I'm coming too. Dad won't be back until late and Fei offered for me to come with you two which my Dad agreed with.' Yuxin smiled at her. 'Don't worry. I'll stay with you.' She grabbed her and Fei's bags and chucked Fei hers. 'Let's drop Fei off at her lesson and slowly walk over to yours.' Yuxin linked her arm with Y/N's and the three left the classroom and headed up to the main buildings of the school. 'My class is opposite yours. I'll tell your teacher to bring you to me if anything happens, okay?' Y/N hummed in response and looked around to see other groups of friends.

She didn't realise a few tears escape her eyes as she wondered what it would be like to have a large group of friends that all care about each other. Yuxin stopped and faced her. 'What's happened?' Yuxin's voice was full of concern and she cupped Y/N's face with her hands. 'Nothing why?' She was sure that she had only thought and hadn't spoke until she felt Yuxin's thumbs wipe away her tears. 'What happened?' she asked again. 'Oh nothing happened. I guess the wind just made my eyes tear up a bit.' She nervously chuckled and looked away. She felt bad for not telling Yuxin but she didn't want her to worry. She pulled Yuxin in for a hug and whispered 'Don't worry. I'm okay.' She pulled away and put on a brave smile before they both headed for their lesson. 



England's weather is soooo shittttt. That's all I have to say.

Thank you for reading :))))

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