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She moved closer to Y/N and pulled the book out of her hand. She threw her book on the other bed and carefully took her glasses off. Y/N looked at her with a questioning look to which she only smirked back. 'We were rudely interrupted earlier. Now no one's here...' Yuxin leaned in lightly brushed her lips against Y/N's. She pulled away, 'But if you wanna ignore me?' Y/N pulled her back and kissed her desperately. Yuxin smiled through the kiss and pushed Y/N so she was lying down. She pulled away. 'Wanna talk?' Y/N bit her lip and blushed. 'No? Okay fin-,' 

'Nooo.' Y/N complained, pulling Yuxin back so she was above her. Y/N looked up at with a pout. 'Sorry.' Yuxin smiled and kissed her. Y/N tried to fight for dominance but didn't last long against Yuxin. She thrust her tongue into Y/N's mouth deepening the kiss. Her hands explored Y/N's body from her thighs, to her ass, up her abdomen, to her chest. She moved her lips down Y/N's neck and along her collarbone leaving bite marks trailing behind. Y/N's breath was shaky and couldn't think straight. 

Yuxin pulled down Y/N's top a bit, planting more kisses and hickeys. Y/N's quiet cries of pleasure were like music Yuxin's ears. She moved up to the sensitive spot on Y/N's neck and concentrated her mouth there. Y/N's eyes were shut tight and was moaning uncontrollably. She pulled away and saw the huge purple mark she had made. 'That's gonna be a hard one to cover.' She whispered while laughing. Y/N huffed and closed her eyes while groaning. Yuxin fell beside her and put her hand behind her head. 

She looked at Y/N and practically saw the lightbulb light up in her head. Y/N threw her leg over Yuxin's stomach and pulled herself up. She straddled Yuxin and moved her face close to Yuxin's. She smiled innocently at Yuxin but she could tell by the look in her eyes that she had another thing coming. Y/N leaned down and pecked Yuxin. She placed light butterfly kisses down her neck and stopped at the end of her shoulder. She bit and sucked on Yuxin's shoulder making her start to breath heavily. 

She pulled away and ran her fingers over her red skin before moving higher to Yuxin's neck. She continued to nip and lick at her neck while pressing her body on Yuxin. The older girl surprised herself at how sensitive she was to Y/N's touch. Her hands wandered up Y/N's thighs and stopped at her ass. She squeezed it which made Y/N suck harder and Yuxin's eyes opened wide as she inhaled sharply. 

Y/N pulled away and admired the bruise she made on Yuxin's neck. She looked up at her and locked their lips together again. Their tongues danced in each other's mouths and Y/N was running her hand up Yuxin's exposed tensed core. Y/N pulled away gasping for breath and her chest was heaving. She fell back into Yuxin's embrace after pulling a blanket over them. 

'Do you want me to get off?' Y/N asked. She looked so innocent but her neck and upper chest told another story which made Yuxin laugh. 'No babe. You can stay there if you're comfortable.' Y/N nodded, 'Why did you laugh?' Y/N gave her a confused look. 'Your face is so innocent but your neck...' Y/N realised and smiled shyly. She rested her head on Yuxin's chest. 'Night Xinba.' She yawned. 'Night Boo.'



Guys I hit 4k yesterday..... hOWWWWWW???


You guys are actually the best. I'm still thinking about how I can make it up to you guys but I don't knowwww.

Anyways, I have a zoom class now. 

Bai bai chirren love you all. ❤

Thanks for readinggggggggggggg :)))))))))))))))))))))

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